نتایج جستجو

The Essenes, the Scrolls, and the Dead Sea
Joan E. Taylor, 2012
Englishmen at Sea: Labor and the Nation at the Dawn of Empire, 1570-1630
Eleanor Hubbard, 2021
Flores Florentino: Dead Sea Scrolls and Other Early Jewish Studies in Honour of Florentino García Martínez
Anthony Hilhorst, Émile Puech, Eibert Tigchelaar, 2008
Ever-Green Vietnamese : Super-Fresh Recipes, Starring Plants from Land and Sea
Andrea Nguyen; Aubrie Pick, 2023
Sea Without Shore: A Manual of the Sufi Path
Noah Ha Mim Keller
Feral: Rewilding the Land, the Sea, and Human Life
George Monbiot; George Monbiot, 2014
Warding Off Evil: Apotropaic Tradition in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Synoptic Gospels
Michael J. Morris, 2017
The Air War at Sea in the Second World War
Martin W Bowman, 2023
Ancient fishing and fish processing in the Black Sea region
Tønnes Bekker-Nielsen, 2006
Marine Conservation Biology : The Science of Maintaining the Sea's Biodiversity
Elliott A. Norse; Larry B. Crowder; Michael E. Marine Conservation Biology Institute; Michael E. Soulé, 2005
History and Memory in the Dead Sea Scrolls
Travis B. Williams, 2019
The Iranian Sea-Air-Missile Threat to Gulf Shipping
Anthony H. Cordesman; Lin Aaron, 2015
The Storm-God and the Sea: The Origin, Versions, and Diffusion of a Myth throughout the Ancient Near East
Noga(h) Ayali-Darshan; translated by Liat Keren, 2020
The Drop That Became the Sea: Lyric Poems
Yunus Emre, Kabir Helminski, Refik Algan, 1999
Sex Dolls at Sea: Imagined Histories of Sexual Technologies
Bo Ruberg, 2022
When Roots Die: Endangered Traditions on the Sea Islands
Patricia Jones-Jackson; Charles Joyner, 1987
Torn in Two: the Sinking of the Daniel J. Morrell and One Man's Survival on the Open Sea
Michael Schumacher, 2016
Sea Turtles of the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the United States
Carol Ruckdeschel; C. Robert Shoop; Meg Hoyle, 2006
Textual Criticism and Dead Sea Scrolls Studies in Honour of Julio Trebolle Barrera: Florilegium Complutense
Andrés Piquer Otero, Pablo A. Torijano Morales, 2012