نتایج جستجو

Concurrent Programming Algorithms, Principles, and Foundations
Michel Raynal, 2013
Michel Foucault e a constituição do sujeito
Márcio Alves da Fonseca, 2014
Subjectivity and Truth: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1980-1981
Michel Foucault, 2017
Mechanical vibrations theory and application to structural dynamics
Michel Geradin, Daniel Rixen, 2015
Reading With Michel Serres: An Encounter With Time
Maria L. Assad, 1999
La dîme, l’Église et la société féodale
Michel Lauwers, 2012
Maladie mentale et personnalite
Michel Foucault, 1954
Petits modèles d'artillerie
Leluc, Sylvie; Decker, Michel, 1994
Économie du travail
Cousineau, Jean-Michel, 1989
Les 100 meilleurs tours de magie
Cox, Tim; Frémont, Jean-Michel; Adair, Ian; Shone, Rob, 2002
The Biased Mind
Jérôme Boutang, Michel De Lara, 2016
Theorie Probabiliste Du Controle Des Diffusions
Jean-Michel Bismut, 1976
Pseudo-Riemannian Symmetric Spaces
Michel Cahen, 1980
Generalized Minkowski Content, Spectrum of Fractal Drums, Fractal Strings and the Riemann-Zeta-Function
Christina Q. He, Michel L. Lapidus, 1997
The Arithmetics of Quadratic Jordan Algebras
Michel L. Racine, 1973
Two Dimensional Tame and Maximal Orders of Finite Representation Type
Idun Reiten, Michel Van Den Bergh, 1989
Pettis Integral and Measure Theory
Michel Talagrand, 1984
Nietzsche, la Genealogía, la Historia
Michel Foucault, 2004
Fractal Geometry and Dynamical Systems in Pure and Applied Mathematics I: Fractals in Pure Mathematics
David Carfi, Michel L. Lapidus, Erin P. J. Pearse, Machiel Van Frankenhuijsen, 2013
Fractal Geometry and Dynamical Systems in Pure and Applied Mathematics II: Fractals in Applied Mathematics
David Carfi, Michel L. Lapidus, Erin P. J. Pearse, Machiel Van Frankenhuijsen, 2013
Theory and Applications of Finite Fields: The 10th International Conference on Finite Fields and Their Applications, July 11-15, 2011, Ghent, Belgium
Michel Lavrauw, Gary L. Mullen, Svetla Nikova, Daniel Panario, Leo Storme, 2012
Stacks and Categories in Geometry, Topology, and Algebra
Tony Pantev, Carlos Simpson, Bertrand Toen, Michel Vaquie, Gabriele Vezzosi, 2015