نتایج جستجو

Stay: A History of Suicide and the Philosophies Against It
Jennifer Michael Hecht, 2013
Technologies of Power: Essays in Honor of Thomas Parke Hughes and Agatha Chipley Hughes
Michael Thad Allen, Gabrielle Hecht, 2001
The end of the soul : scientific modernity, atheism, and anthropology in France
Hecht, Jennifer Michael, 2003
The Happiness Myth: Why What We Think Is Right Is Wrong
Jennifer Michael Hecht, 2007
The Happiness Myth: Why What We Think Is Right Is Wrong
Jennifer Michael Hecht, 2007
Theories of Social Order: A Reader
Michael Hechter, Christine Horne (editors), 2003
Verwendung der Radioaktivität in der Mikrochemie
E. Broda, T. Schönfeld (auth.), Friedrich Hecht, Michael K. Zacherl (eds.), 1955
Bussysteme in der Automatisierungstechnik: Grundlagen und Systeme der industriellen Kommunikation
Dr. Ing. Peter Adolphs, Dipl. Ing. Roland Bent, Dipl. Ing. Manfred Brill, Prof. Dr. Ing. Jörg Böttcher, Dipl. Ing. Sven Achatz, Dipl. Ing. Thomas Limbrunner, Dipl. Ing. Martina Bruland, Dipl.-Phys. Marc Goosens, Dr. Ing. Thilo Heimbold, Dipl. Ing. Michael Kessler, Dipl. Ing. Thomas Klatt, Prof. Dr. habil. Werner Kriesel, Dipl. Wirtschaftsing. Henning Nierhaus, Prof. Dr. Andreas Pech, Dipl. Ing. Peter Roersch, Dr. Ing. Andreas Schiff, Dr. A. Schimmele, Dipl. Ing. Andreas Schmitz, Prof. Dr. Ing. G, 1999
Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Tomography of Intracranial Tumors: A Clinical Perspective
Prof. Dr. med. Claus Claussen, Prof. Dr. med. Rudolf Fahlbusch, Prof. Dr. med. Roland Felix, Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Grumme, Dr. rer. nat. Jürgen Heinzerling, Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. José R. Iglesias-Rozas, Prof. Dr. med. Ekkehard Kazner, Prof. Dr. med. Konrad Kretzschmar, Dr. med. Michael Laniado, Prof. Dr. med. Wolfgang Lanksch, Dr. med. Wibke Müller-Forell, Thomas Hans Newton MD, Dr. med. Wolfgang Schörner, Dr. med. Gerhard Schroth, Dr. med. Barbara Schulz, Prof. Dr. med. Otto Stochdorph, Gordon Sz, 1989
Computer Assisted Radiology / Computergestützte Radiologie: CAR ’91 Computer Assisted Radiology
S. Hashimoto (auth.), Prof. Heinz U. Lemke Ph. D., Michael L. Rhodes Ph. D., Prof. C. C. Jaffe M. D., Prof. Roland Felix M. D. (eds.), 1991
Computer Assisted Radiology / Computergestützte Radiologie: Proceedings of the International Symposium / Vorträge des Internationalen Symposiums
K. Gersonde (auth.), Prof. Dr. Heinz Lemke, Prof. Dr. Michael L. Rhodes, Prof. Dr. C. C. Jaffee, Prof. Dr. Roland Felix (eds.), 1985
Computer- und Kernspin-Tomographie intrakranieller Tumoren aus klinischer Sicht
Prof. Dr. med. Claus Claussen (auth.), Prof. Dr. med. Claus Claussen, Prof. Dr. med. Rudolf Fahlbusch, Prof. Dr. med. Roland Felix, Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Grumme, Dr. rer. nat. Jürgen Heinzerling, Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. José R. Iglesias-Rozas, Prof. Dr. med. Ekkehard Kazner, Prof. Dr. med. Konrad Kretzschmar, Dr. med. Michael Laniado, Prof. Dr. med. Wolfgang Lanksch, Dr. med. Wibke Müller-Forell, Thomas Hans Newton MD, Dr. med. Wolfgang Schörner, Dr. med. Gerhard Schroth, Dr. med. Barbara Schulz, Pr, 1988
Detection of Intrusions and Malware & Vulnerability Assessment: Third International Conference, DIMVA 2006, Berlin, Germany, July 13-14, 2006. Proceedings
Ebrima N. Ceesay, Jingmin Zhou, Michael Gertz, Karl Levitt, Matt Bishop (auth.), Roland Büschkes, Pavel Laskov (eds.), 2006
Einführung in die Umwelttechnik: Grundlagen und Anwendungen aus Technik und Recht
Dipl.-Biol., StD. Günter Andres, Prof. Dr. rer. nat., Dipl.-Chem. Marott Bronder, Prof. Dr. rer. nat., Dipl.-Chem. Ralf Eisenmann, Prof. Dr. rer. nat., Dipl.-Phys. Karl-Heinz Folkerts, Dipl.-Ing. Heino Grotehusmann, Dr. rer. nat. Andreas Klein, Dipl.-Volkswirt. OStR. Roland Klitscher, Prof. Dr. rer. nat., Dipl.-Chem. Bertram Philipp, Prof. Dr. Ing. Dipl.-Ing. Michael Reimann, Prof. Dr. rer. nat., Dipl.-Phys. Bernd Schurich, Prof. Dr. Ing. Dipl.-Ing. Ernst Sperling, Dipl.-Chem. Dr. Kurt Wahrheit,, 1994
Endorganschädigungen der arteriellen Hypertonie — Konsequenzen für Diagnostik und Therapie
R. E. Schmieder (auth.), Priv.-Doz.Dr.med. Roland E. Schmieder, Dr.med.Dipl.-Chem. Hans-Michael Müller, Prof.Dr.med. Franz H. Messerli (eds.), 1991
Fundamentals of Mass Determination
Michael Borys, Roman Schwartz, Arthur Reichmuth, Roland Nater (auth.), 2012
Greenhouse Effect, Sea Level and Drought
Michael R. Rampino, Robert Etkins (auth.), Roland Paepe, Rhodes W. Fairbridge, Saskia Jelgersma (eds.), 1990
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering’ 04: Transactions of the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS) 2004
Prof. Dr. Harms Ruder, Dr. Roland Speith (auth.), Egon Krause, Willi Jäger, Michael Resch (eds.), 2005
Interactions of C, N, P and S Biogeochemical Cycles and Global Change
Fred T. Mackenzie, Leah May Ver, Christopher Sabine, Michael Lane, Abraham Lerman (auth.), Roland Wollast, Fred T. Mackenzie, Lei Chou (eds.), 1993
Internationalisierung industrieller Forschung und grenzüberschreitendes Wissensmanagement: Eine empirische Analyse aus der Perspektive des Standortes Deutschland
Dr. Jakob Edler, Dr. Roland Döhrn, Dr. Michael Rothgang (auth.), 2003
Lasers in Dermatology: Proceedings of the International Symposium, Ulm, 26 September 1989
S. L. Jacques (auth.), Professor Dr. Rudolf Steiner, Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Roland Kaufmann, Prof. Dr. med. Michael Landthaler, Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h. c. mult. Otto Braun-Falco (eds.), 1991
Marine Biotechnology I
Thomas Schweder, Ulrike Lindequist, Michael Lalk (auth.), Roland Ulber, Yves Le Gal (eds.), 2005