نتایج جستجو

The Cambridge Companion to Sufism
Lloyd Ridgeon (editor), 2014
承先啟後: 有關1940~1970年代香港中式服裝的故事 ( Seaming the Past with the Present and Future: Stories of Hong Kong Chinese Traditional Costumes in the 1940s to 1970s)
游淑芬 (撰) [Shirley Yau ~ Author, Translator] & 馮桂芳(編) [Fion, Fung Kwai-fong ~ Editor], 2018
Blaber's foundations for paramedic practice : a theoretical perspective
Amanda Blaber (editor), 2019
Public Sociology As Educational Practice: Challenges, Dialogues and Counter-Publics
Eurig Scandrett (editor), 2020
Long-lived Nuclear Spin Order: Theory and Applications (ISSN)
Giuseppe Pileio (editor), 2020
Statistics at Square One
Michael J. Campbell (editor), 2021
Fodor's Soviet Union 1985
Hilary Sternberg (editor), 1984
Fodor's Munich 1988
Andrea Dutton (editor), 1987
Fodor's Soviet Union '91
Christopher Billy (editor), 1990
Fodor's Austria 1974
Eugene Fodor (editor), 1974
Religion and Drama in Early Modern England: The Performance of Religion on the Renaissance Stage
Elizabeth Williamson, Jane Hwang Degenhardt (editor), 2011
The Essential Weber: A Reader
Sam Whimster (editor), 2003
Il mondo prima della storia. Dagli inizi al 4000 a. C.
Ian Tattersall, Telmo Pievani (editor), 2009
Representing Religion in the European Union: Does God Matter?
Lucian N. Leustean (editor), 2012
In punta di penna. Riflessioni sull'arte della narrativa
Will Blythe (editor), 2018
Racconti dispersi
Carlo Emilio Gadda, Dante Isella (editor), 1996
Analytic Philosophy: An Interpretive History
Aaron Preston (editor), 2017
Analytic Philosophy: An Interpretive History
Aaron Preston (editor), 2017
Fuoco pallido
Vladimir Nabokov, Anna Raffetto (editor), 2002
Il dono
Vladimir Nabokov, Serena Vitale (editor), 1998
Women Artists in the Early Modern Courts of Europe: c. 1450-1700
Tanja L. Jones (editor), 2021
Acque d'autunno (Ciuangzè)
Mario Novaro (editor), 1944
Artù, Lancillotto e il Graal. La storia del Santo Graal. La storia di Merlino. Il seguito della storia di Merlino
Lino Leonardi (editor), 2020
Il pensiero di Giordano Bruno nel suo svolgimento storico
Antonio Corsano, Adele Spedicati (editor), 2002