نتایج جستجو

Dante's «Convivio»: Or How to Restart a Career in Exile (Leeds Studies on Dante)
Franziska Meier (editor), 2018
Women, Feminism, and Pop Politics: From “Bitch” to “Badass” and Beyond (Frontiers in Political Communication)
Karrin Vasby Anderson (editor), 2018
Reconsidering Obama: Reflections on Rhetoric (Frontiers in Political Communication)
Robert E. Terrill (editor), 2017
The Paths of Creation: Creativity in Science and Art (Natur, Wissenschaft und die Künste / Nature, Science and the Arts / Nature, Science et les Arts)
Alfredo Marcos; Alfredo Marcos (editor), 2011
Italian Yearbook of Human Rights 2015 (Human Right Studies)
Interdepartmental Centre on Human Rights (editor), 2015
Narratives from Mothers of Children with Dyslexia: Our Stories for Educators
Shawn Anthony Robinson (editor), 2019
Italian Yearbook of Human Rights 2017 (Human Right Studies)
Centro di Ateneo per i Diritti Umani (editor), 2017
Impoliteness in Media Discourse (Interfaces)
Anna Baczkowska (editor), 2017
Learner Autonomy in the English Classroom: Empirical Studies and Ideas for Teachers
Paul Lennon (editor), 2012
Nota Bene: Making Digital Marks on Medieval Manuscripts (Medieval Interventions)
Tamsyn Mahoney-Steel (editor), 2018
Italian Yearbook of Human Rights 2016 (Human Right Studies)
Centro di Ateneo per i Diritti Umani (editor), 2016
Bioethics and the Posthumanities
Danielle Sands (editor), 2022
Doing Visual Research with Children and Young People
Pat Thomson (editor), 2008
Communication in the Age of Trump (Frontiers in Political Communication)
Arthur S. Hayes (editor), 2018
Italian Yearbook of Human Rights 2011 (Human Right Studies)
Centro interdipartimentale di ricera (editor), 2012
Romantic «Weltliteratur» of the Western World
Agnieszka Gutthy (editor), 2019
The Politics of Marijuana: A New Paradigm
Timothy McGettigan (editor), 2019
Political, Religious and Social Conflict in the States of Savoy, 1400–1700 (Medieval and Early Modern French Studies)
Sarah Alyn Stacey (editor), 2014