نتایج جستجو

Expressionism - A German Intuition 1905-1920
Paul Vogt, 1980
Left-Wing Nietzscheans: The Politics of German Expressionism. 1910-1920
Seth Taylor, 1990
Captured Weapons & Equipment of the German Wehrmacht 1938-1945 (Schiffer Military Aviation History)
Wolfgang Fleischer, 1998
The German Socialist Party: Champion of the First Republic, 1918-1933
William H. Maehl, 1985
Classic and Romantic German Aesthetics
J. M. Bernstein, 2003
Early French and German Defenses of Freedom of the Press (Brill's Studies in Intellectual History, 113)
John Christian Laursen, 2003
East German Cinema : DEFA and Film History
Sebastian Heiduschke, 2013
East German Cinema: DEFA and Film History
Sebastian Heiduschke (auth.), 2013
Fichte: Addresses to the German Nation
Gregory Moore, 2009
From Caligari to Hitler: A Psychological History of the German Film
Siegfried Kracauer, 2004