نتایج جستجو

Eighteenth‐Century Architecture
Harry Francis Mallgrave (editor), 2017
Nineteenth‐Century Architecture
Harry Francis Mallgrave (editor), 2017
Twentieth‐Century Architecture
Harry Francis Mallgrave (editor), 2017
Black Feminist Literary Criticism: Past and Present
Karla Kovalova (editor), 2016
Mobilizing Narratives: Narrating Injustices of (Im)Mobility
Hager Ben Driss (editor), 2021
The Sensible Stage: Staging and the Moving Image
Bridget Crone (editor), 2017
M.N. Roy, Philosopher-Revolutionary
Sibnarayan Ray (editor), Manabendra Nath Roy, 1998
The Major Realist Film Theorists: A Critical Anthology
Ian Aitken (editor), 2016
The Legacy of the Grand Tour: New Essays on Travel, Literature, and Culture
Lisa Colletta (editor), 2014
Water for Food Water for Life: A Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture
David Molden (editor), 2007
Nationalism and After: With a new Introduction from Michael Cox
E.H. Carr, Michael Cox (editor), 2021
Criminalization of Activism: Historical, Present and Future Perspectives
Valeria Vegh Weis (editor), 2021
Camp - Queer Aesthetics and the Performing Subject: A Reader
Fabio Cleto (editor), 1999
Comparing Legal Cultures
David Nelken (editor), 1997
Grounded Ethics: The Empirical Bases of Normative Judgements
Max Hocutt (editor), 2000
La spirale del silenzio. Per una teoria dell'opinione pubblica
Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann, Stefano Cristante (editor), 2002
La spirale del silenzio. Per una teoria dell'opinione pubblica
Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann, Stefano Cristante (editor), 2002
L'arpa e l'ombra
Alejo Carpentier, Angelo Morino (editor), 2020
Small Non-Coding RNAs: Methods and Protocols
Mathieu Rederstorff (editor), 2021
Handbook of Research on Narrative Advertising
Recep Yilmaz (editor), 2019
A Sulfur Anthology
Clayton Eshleman (editor), 2015
A Sulfur Anthology
Clayton Eshleman (editor), 2015
Pretending democracy: Israel, an ethnocratic state
Na'eem Jeenah (Editor), 2012