نتایج جستجو

The Oxford Handbook of Dante
Manuele Gragnolati (editor), Elena Lombardi (editor), Francesca Southerden (editor), 2021
Oxford Textbook of Cancer Biology
Francesco Pezzella (editor), Mahvash Tavassoli (editor), David J. Kerr (editor), 2019
Fundamentals of Thermal and Nuclear Power Generation
Yasuo Koizumi (editor), Tomio Okawa (editor), Shoji Mori (editor), 2021
Dictionnaire historique de l’anthroponymie romane Patronymica Romanica (PatRom), Volume III/2: Les animaux (2e partie): Les oiseaux, poissons et invertébrés
Ana Maria Cano González (editor), Jean Germain (editor), Dieter Kremer (editor), 2020
Dictionnaire historique de l’anthroponymie romane Patronymica Romanica (PatRom), Volume II/1: L’homme et les parties du corps humain (première partie)
Ana Maria Cano Gonzalez (editor), Jean Germain (editor), Dieter Kremer (editor), 2004
Dictionnaire historique de l’anthroponymie romane Patronymica Romanica (PatRom), Volume II/2: Les parties du corps humain (2e partie). Les particularités physiques et morales
Ana Maria Cano González (editor), Jean Germain (editor), Dieter Kremer (editor), 2018
Dictionnaire historique de l’anthroponymie romane Patronymica Romanica (PatRom), Volume III/1: Les animaux, Première partie: Les mammifères
Ana Maria Cano Gonzalez (editor), Jean Germain (editor), Dieter Kremer (editor), 2015
Cultures of Participation: Arts, Digital Media and Cultural Institutions
Birgit Eriksson (editor), Carsten Stage (editor), Bjarki Valtysson (editor), 2019
Pediatric infectious diseases : essentials for practice
Alex R. Kemper (editor); Samir S. Shah (editor); Adam J. Ratner (editor), 2019
The Handbook of Textile Culture
Janis Jefferies (editor), Diana Wood Conroy (editor), Hazel Clark (editor), 2018
Women and the Land, 1500-1900
Amanda L. Capern (editor), Briony Mcdonagh (editor), Jennifer Aston (editor), 2019
Principles of Mucosal Immunology
Phillip D. Smith (editor), Richard S. Blumberg (editor), Thomas T. MacDonald (editor), 2020
Ocean Currents
John H. Steele (editor), Steve A. Thorpe (editor), Karl K. Turekian (editor), 2010
Languages of Trauma: History, Memory, and Media
Peter Leese (editor), Jason Crouthamel (editor), Julia Barbara Köhne (editor), 2021
Japan Before Tokugawa: Political Consolidation and Economic Growth, 1500-1650
John Whitney Hall (editor), Nagahara Keiji (editor), Kozo Yamamura (editor), 1981
Engaging Heritage, Engaging Communities
Bryony Onciul (editor), Michelle L. Stefano (editor), Stephanie Hawke (editor), 2017
Historia política de Chile, 1810-2010. 3, Problemas económicos
Ivan Jakšić (editor); Andrés Estefane (editor); Claudio Robles Ortiz (editor), 2018
Cannabinoids and Sleep: Molecular, Functional and Clinical Aspects
Jaime M. Monti (editor), S. R. Pandi-Perumal (editor), Eric Murillo-Rodríguez (editor), 2021
Iconicity : essays on the nature of culture : Festschrift for Thomas A. Sebeok on his 65th birthday
Michael Herzfeld (editor); Paul Bouissac (editor); Roland Posner (editor); Array, 1986
Monks, Money, and Morality: The Balancing Act of Contemporary Buddhism
Christoph Brumann (editor), Saskia Abrahms-Kavunenko (editor), Beata Switek (editor), 2021
Human Rights in the Americas (InterAmerican Research: Contact, Communication, Conflict)
María Herrera-Sobek (editor), Francisco Lomelí (editor), Luz Angélica Kirschner (editor), 2021
New Perspectives on Technology in Society: Experimentation Beyond the Laboratory
Ibo van de Poel (editor), Lotte Asveld (editor), Donna C. Mehos (editor), 2017
Has It Come to This?: The Promises and Perils of Geoengineering on the Brink
J.P. Sapinski (editor), Holly Jean Buck (editor), Andreas Malm (editor), 2020
Critical Practices in Architecture
Jonathan Bean (editor), Susannah Dickinson (editor), Aletheia Ida (editor), 2020