نتایج جستجو

The House of Government: A Saga of the Russian Revolution
Yuri Slezkine, 2017
Putin's War in Syria: Russian Foreign Policy and the Price of America's Absence
Anna Borshchevskaya, 2021
The Catacazy Affair and the Uneasy Path of Russian-American Relations
Lee A. Farrow, 2021
Advances in Automation II: Proceedings of the International Russian Automation Conference, RusAutoConf2020, September 6-12, 2020, Sochi, Russia (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 729)
Andrey A. Radionov (editor), Vadim R. Gasiyarov (editor), 2021
Lyric Complicity: Poetry and Readers in the Golden Age of Russian Literature
Daria Khitrova, 2019
The Cambridge Companion to the Classic Russian Novel
Malcolm V. Jones, Robin Feuer Miller, 1998
Long, Long Tales from the Russian North
Jack V. Haney, 2013
The Firebird and the Fox: Russian Culture Under Tsars and Bolsheviks
Jeffrey Brooks, 2019
Lenin's Will (Russian Studies)
Yuir Buranov, 1994
Imperial Russian Rule in the Kingdom of Poland, 1864-1915
Malte Rolf, 2021
Russian propaganda on "Odnoklassniki". The case of Republic of Moldova
Oazu Nantoi, Alexandru Platon, Aliona Cristei, 2018
The Oxford Handbook of Russian Religious Thought
Caryl Emerson (editor), George Pattison (editor), Randall A. Poole (editor), 2020
Russian: From Novice High to Intermediate
Anna S. Kudyma, 2021
Nikolai Chernyshevskii and Ayn Rand: Russian Nihilism Travels to America
Aaron Weinacht, 2021
The Russian Orthodox Community in Hong Kong: Religion, Ethnicity, and Intercultural Relations
Loretta E. Kim, Chengyi Zhou, 2021
Money Unmade: Barter and the Fate of Russian Capitalism
David M. Woodruff, 2000