نتایج جستجو

Stochastic optimal control: the discrete time case
Dimitri P. Bertsekas, 2007
Stochastic Optimal Control: The Discrete-Time Case (Optimization and Neural Computation Series)
Dimitri P. Bertsekas, 2007
Zur Neugestaltung des Mietrechtes: Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Österreichisch-Deutschen Rechtsangleichung
Hofrat Dr. Heinrich Klang (auth.), 1931
Time Travel and Other Mathematical Bewilderments
Martin Gardner, 1987
Time Travel and Other Mathematical Bewilderments
Martin Gardner, 1987
Time Travel and Other Mathematical Bewilderments
Martin Gardner, 1987
Time travel and other mathematical bewilderments
Martin Gardner, 1987
Time Travel and Other Mathematical Bewilderments
Martin Gardner, 1987
Time and the Brain (Conceptual Advances in Brain Research, Vol 3)
Robert Miller, 2000
Une brève histoire du temps, du Big-bang aux trous noirs
Stephen William Hawking, 1999
A Nonlinear Time Series Workshop: A Toolkit for Detecting and Identifying Nonlinear Serial Dependence
Douglas M. Patterson, 2000
Optimizing the Power of Action Learning: Solving Problems and Building Leaders in Real Time
Michael J. Marquardt, 2004
Optimizing the Power of Action Learning: Solving Problems and Building Leaders in Real Time
Michael J. Marquardt, 2004
Optimizing the Power of Action Learning: Solving Problems and Building Leaders in Real Time
Michael J. Marquardt, 2004
An Introduction to Bispectral Analysis and Bilinear Time Series Models
Dr. T. Subba Rao, 1984
Home Front Girl. A Diary of Love, Literature, and Growing Up in Wartime America
Joan Wehlen Morrison, 2012
The Reform of Time: Magic and Modernity
Maureen Perkins, 2001