نتایج جستجو

Technologische Diversifikation von Unternehmen: Ressourcentheoretische Untersuchung der Determinanten
Michael Stephan (auth.), 2003
Mediamatik — Die Konvergenz von Telekommunikation, Computer und Rundfunk
Michael Latzer (auth.), 1997
Historische Diskursanalyse der Literatur: Theorie, Arbeitsfelder, Analysen, Vermittlung
Klaus-Michael Bogdal (auth.), 1999
Molecular Modeling. From Virtual Tools to Real Problems
Thomas F. Kumosinski and Michael N. Liebman (Eds.), 1994
Science Teacher Educators as K-12 Teachers: Practicing what we teach
Kathy Cabe Trundle (auth.), Michael Dias, Charles J. Eick, Laurie Brantley-Dias (eds.), 2014
101 Japanese Idioms
Michael L. Maynard, Senko K. Maynard, 1994
Salafismus: Fundamentalistische Strömungen und Radikalisierungsprävention
Rauf Ceylan, Michael Kiefer (auth.), 2013
Michael K. Blase, Dipl.-Kfm. Günther Eismann, Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Günther Teufel (auth.), 1980
Michael Tobias, 2007
The Experience of Examining the PhD: An International Comparative Study of Processes and Standards of Doctoral Examination
Michael Byram, Maria Stoicheva, 2022
Financing Innovation
Michael Kahn, Luiz Martins de Melo, Marcelo G. Pessoa de Matos, 2013
Battle of Big Bethel: Crucial Clash in Early Civil War Virginia
J. Michael Cobb; Edward B. Hicks; Wythe Holt, 2013
Enterprise Games: Using Game Mechanics to Build a Better Business
Michael Hugos, 2012
Derrubem este muro!
Sabrina Fernandes; Marília Moschkovich; Victor Marques; André Pagliarini; Loren Balhorn; Camila Chaves; Allende Renck; Ana Luíza Matos de Oliveira; Suzane Jardim; Hugo Gusmão; Camila Galetti; Michael Löwy; Antonio Ugá Neto; Benjamin Fogel; Anahí Guedes de Mello; Pedro Charbel; Paris Marx; John Carl Baker; Tulio Custódio; Rud Rafae; Joana Salém Vasconcelos; Aline Klein; Guilherme Ziggy, 2020
Gabler Volkswirtschafts Lexikon
Prof. Dr. Karlernst Ringer, Dr. Heinz-Jürgen Telkamp (auth.), Diplom-Volkswirt Volker Häfner, Dr. Michael Hammes, Diplom-Volkswirt Klaus Hölzel, Diplom-Volkswirt Franz-Josef Lerdo, Diplom-Betriebswirt Marlene Maser (eds.), 1983
Victory at Risk: Restoring America's Military Power: A New War Plan for the Pentagon
Michael W. Davidson, 2009
Neugeborenenintensivpflege: Grundlagen und Richtlinien
Prof. Dr. med. Michael Obladen (auth.), 1989
Sensible & Sensitive Horsemanship: Dr. Mike's Horsemanship Guides
Michael Guerini, 2014
Art-Care Practices for Restoring the Communal: Education, Co-Inquiry, and Healing
Barbara A. Bickel, R. Michael Fisher, 2022
Burnout While Working: Lessons from Pandemic and Beyond
Michael P. Leiter, Cary L. Cooper, 2022
Lo que el dinero no puede comprar: Los límites morales del mercado
Michael J. Sandel, 2013
Oracle CRM on Demand Embedded Analytics
Michael D. Lairson, 2011
Environmental Consciousness, Nature and the Philosophy of Education
Michael Bonnett, 2020
Voices in the Legal Archives in the French Colonial World: "The King Is Listening"
Nancy Christie; Michael Gauvreau; Matthew Gerber, 2020