نتایج جستجو

Relativistic and Non-Relativistic Quantum Mechanics: Both at Once (Undergraduate Lecture Notes in Physics)
Luis Grave de Peralta, Maricela Fernández Lozada, Hira Farooq, Gage Eichman, Abhishek Singh, Gabrielle Prime, 2023
¿De quién es la democracia? Diálogos a partir de la obra de Carlos Iván Degregori
Ramón Pajuelo (ed.), José Carlos Agüero, Sandra Carrillo, José Coronel, Jefrey Gamarra, Natalia González, Ludwig Huber, Camren Ilizarbe, Carlos Meléndez, Karina Pacheco, Ponciano del Pino, José Luis Rénique, Valérie Robin, Pablo Sandoval, Paolo Sosa, Adriana Urrutia, Charles Walker, Antonio Zapata, Mauricio Zavaleta et al (auts.), 2023
Experiencias y lecciones aprendidas en la lucha contra la COVID-19
Omar Manky, Ángela Prialé, Pablo Lavado (eds.), Paula Muñoz, Matthew Bird, Samuel Arispe, Pablo Lavado, Renzo Guzmán, Oscar Malca, Jorge Rubio, Miguel Marcilla-Vigo, Fernando Gonzalez, Joanna Kámiche, Julio Aguirre, Francisco Galarza, Luisa Feline Freier, Marta Castro, Gustav Brauckmeyer, Tilsa Ponce, Angela Vera, Ángela Prialé, Agustín Espinosa, Luis Guevara, Angie Higuchi, Silvia Wú Guin, Nataly Rosado, Franco Saito, Fernanda Vigo, Carlo Agreda, Rosa Fuchs, Omar Manky, Carlos Mejía, Sergio Sar, 2023
Derecho Penal: Parte General
Dino Caro Coria, Luis Miguel Reyna Alfaro, 2023
Luis Buñuel. Viridiana
Vicente Sánchez Biosca, 2000
What Do Remittances Do? Analyzing the Private Remittance Transmission Mechanism in El Salvador
Nolvia Nery Saca; Luis René Cáceres, 2006
El negocio de los derechos humanos
Luis Gasulla, 2012
Rethinking Infrastructure in Latin America and the Caribbean: Spending Better to Achieve More
Marianne Fay; Luis Alberto Andres; Charles Fox; Ulf Narloch; Michael Slawson, 2017
Understanding and Teaching the Indirect Object in Spanish
Luis H. González, 2023
La lengua culle: un estado de la cuestión
Luis Andrade, 1995
Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Sorting. Methods Applications to Real-World Problems
Luis Martínez López, Alessio Ishizaka, Jindong Qin, Pavel Anselmo Álvarez Carrillo, 2023
The Havana Guide: Modern Architecture 1925 - 1965
Eduardo Luis Rodriguez, 2012
Being and becoming: A guide to act in the theatre of existence
Jose Luis Perez Velazquez, Vera Nenadovic, 2021
Social-Emotional Learning in the English language classroom
Luis Javier Pentón Herrera and Gilda Martinez-Alba, 2021
Computational Intelligence in Emerging Technologies for Engineering Applications (Studies in Computational Intelligence, 872)
Orestes Llanes Santiago (editor), Carlos Cruz Corona (editor), Antônio José Silva Neto (editor), José Luis Verdegay (editor), 2020
Computational Logic ― CL 2000: First International Conference London, UK, July 24–28, 2000 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1861)
John Lloyd (editor), Veronica Dahl (editor), Ulrich Furbach (editor), Manfred Kerber (editor), Kung-Kiu Lau (editor), Catuscia Palamidessi (editor), Luis M. Pereira (editor), Yehoshua Sagiv (editor), Peter J. Stuckey (editor), 2000
Carceral Communities in Latin America: Troubling Prison Worlds in the 21st Century (Palgrave Studies in Prisons and Penology)
Sacha Darke (editor), Chris Garces (editor), Luis Duno-Gottberg (editor), Andrés Antillano (editor), 2021
Siete memoriales españoles en defensa del arte de la pintura (Spanish Edition)
Antonio Urquízar Herrera (editor), Juan Luis González García (editor), Adrián J. Sáez (editor), Antonio Sánchez Jiménez (editor), 2018
Computational Intelligence Methodologies Applied to Sustainable Development Goals (Studies in Computational Intelligence, 1036)
José Luis Verdegay (editor), Julio Brito (editor), Carlos Cruz (editor), 2022
Molecular Communications: An Analysis from Networking Theories Perspective
Yesenia Cevallos, Cristian Vacacela Gómez, Luis Tello-Oquendo, Talia Tene, Deysi Inca, Ivone Santillán, Albert Espinal, Nicolay Samaniego, 2023
Stereology: Theory and Applications
Luis Manuel Cruz-Orive, 2024
Wine Tourism and Sustainability: The Economic, Social and Environmental Contribution of the Wine Industry
Javier Martínez-Falcó (editor), Bartolomé Marco-Lajara (editor), Eduardo Sánchez-García (editor), Luis A. Millán-Tudela (editor), 2024
Current Topics in Artificial Intelligence: 12th Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence, CAEPIA 2007, Salamanca, Spain, ... (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4788)
Daniel Borrajo (editor), Luis Castillo (editor), Juan Manuel Corchado (editor), 2007
Direito Tributário
Luís Eduardo Schoueri, 20149