نتایج جستجو

Hearing Kyriotic Sonship : A Cognitive and Rhetorical Approach to the Characterization of Mark's Jesus
Michael R. Whitenton, 2016
Expanding Global Military Capacity for Humanitarian Intervention
Michael E. O'Hanlon, 2001
The Archaeology of Hindu Ritual: Temples and the Establishment of the Gods
Michael Willis, 2009
Historians Across Borders: Writing American History in a Global Age
Nicolas Barreyre; Michael Heale; Stephen Tuck; Cécile Vidal, 2014
Migrants and Machine Politics - How India's Urban Poor Seek Representation and Responsiveness
Adam Michael Auerbach;Tariq Thachil;, 2022
My Social Media for Seniors
Michael Miller
After Kant: The Romans, the Germans, and the Moderns in the History of Political Thought
Michael Sonenscher;, 2023
Virtues of Openness : Education, Science, and Scholarship in the Digital Age
Michael A. Peters; Peter Roberts, 2011
Revered Commander, Maligned General : The Life of Clarence Ransom Edwards, 1859-1931
Michael E. Shay, 2011
Modern Jewish Literatures : Intersections and Boundaries
Sheila E. Jelen; Michael P. Kramer; L. Scott Lerner, 2011
South America and the Treaty of Versailles
Michael Streeter; Alan Sharp, 2011
Statistik: Eine Einführung für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftler
Günter Bamberg; Franz Baur; Michael Krapp, 2022
Native Americans on Network TV : Stereotypes, Myths, and the "Good Indian"
Michael Ray FitzGerald, 2013
When Helping Works : Alleviating Fear and Pain in Global Missions
Michael Bamwesigye Badriaki; Randy S. Woodley, 2017
Defense Policy Choices for the Bush Administration, 2001-2005
Michael E. O'Hanlon, 2001
Preparing for the Future : Strategic Planning in the U. S. Air Force
Michael Barzelay; Colin Campbell, 2003
How Firms Cope with Crime and Violence: Experiences from around the World
Michael Goldberg; Kwang W. Kim; Maria Ariano; Maria Ariano, 2013
Heller, Michael A.; Salzman, James, 2021
Inverse Problems and Carleman Estimates: Global Uniqueness, Global Convergence and Experimental Data
Michael V. Klibanov; Jingzhi Li, 2021
Alltägliche Hausmusik (1654): Kritische Ausgabe und Kommentar. Kritische Edition des Notentextes
Johann Rist; Michael Jacobi; Johann Schop, 2019
Einführung in die Physikalische Chemie
Michael Springborg, 2016
Net Neutrality
Melissa Higgins; Michael Regan, 2016