نتایج جستجو

Robbins Essential Pathology
Vinay Kumar, Abul K. Abbas, Jon C. Aster, Andrea T. Deyrup, 2021
Gender in Learning and Teaching: Feminist Dialogues Across International Boundaries
Carol A. Taylor, Chantal Amade-Escot, Andrea Abbas, 2019
Threat Hunting in the Cloud: Defending AWS, Azure and Other Cloud Platforms Against Cyberattacks
Chris Peiris, Binil Pillai, Abbas Kudrati, 2021
Threat Hunting in the Cloud: Defending AWS, Azure and Other Cloud Platforms Against Cyberattacks
Chris Peiris, Binil Pillai, Abbas Kudrati, 2021
Advanced life support
John Ballance (editor); Gavin Perkins (editor); Carsten Lott (editor); Gavin Lockey (editor); Hans Domanovits (editor); Gamal Abbas Khalifa (editor), 2015
The Prophet's Heir: The Life of Ali Ibn Abi Talib
Hassan Abbas, 2021
Countering Violent Extremism: The International Deradicalization Agenda
Tahir Abbas, 2021
Cellular and Molecular Immunology
Abul K. Abbas MBBS, Andrew H. Lichtman MDPhD, Shiv Pillai MBBSPhD, 2021
Abbas Amanat; Frank Griffel, 2007
The Authentic Signs of the Hour
Abu al-Abbas al-Shami
Brief Biographies of some of the People of Knowledge
Abbas Abu Yahya
Statements of the People of Knowledge Regarding the Soofeeyah
Abbas Abu Yahya
A History of Sufism in India
Saiyid Athar Abbas Rizvi, 1978
Antifragility of Islamic Finance: The Risk-Sharing Alternative
Umar Rafi, Abbas Mirakhor, 2017
Alif Baa Introduction To Arabic Letters And Sounds (Book + Audio)
Kristen Brustad, Mahmoud Al-Batal, Abbas Al-Tonsi
Religious and intellectual history of the Muslims in Akbar's reign, with special reference to Abuʼl Fazl, 1556-1605
Saiyid Athar Abbas Rizvi, 1975
A socio-intellectual history of the Isna ʼAshari Shiʼis in India (16th to 19th century A.D.), VOL. 2
Saiyid Athar Abbas Rizvi, 1986
Insider-Outsider Research in Qualitative Inquiry; New Perspectives on Method and Meaning
Deborah Court, Randa Khair Abbas, 2022
Alevilikte Sultan Hızır Samıt Ocağı
Abbas Ulusoy, 2016
Seismic Imaging Methods and Applications for Oil and Gas Exploration
Yasir Bashir; Amir Abbas Babasafari; Abdul Rahim Md Arshad; Seyed Yaser Moussavi Alashloo; Abdul Halim Latiff; Rosita Hamidi; Shiba Rezaei; Teresa Ratnam; Chico Sambo; Deva Prasad Ghosh, 2022
Sudan: State, Capital and Transformation
Tony Barnett (editor), Abbas Abdelkarim (editor), 1987