نتایج جستجو

Chemical Engineering Kinetics (Mcgraw-Hill Chemical Engineering Series)
Joe Mauk Smith, 1981
Green Chemical Engineering: An Introduction to Catalysis, Kinetics, and Chemical Processes
Sundaramoorthy, S., 2014
Guidelines for Chemical Transportation Risk Analysis
Center for Chemical Process Safety, 1995
Coulson and Richardson's Chemical Engineering. Chemical Engineering Design
R. K. Sinnott (Auth.), 1993
Coulson Richardson s Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering Design
R K Sinnott, 2005
Principles Chemical Nomenclature (IUPAC Chemical Data Series) (Bk. 2)
W. V. Metanomski, 1998
Chemical Dynamics: Papers in Honor of Henry Eyring (Advances in Chemical Physics) (Vol.21)
J.O. Hirschfelder, 1971