نتایج جستجو

Building Machine Learning Systems with Python: Explore machine learning and deep learning techniques for building intelligent systems using scikit-learn and TensorFlow, 3rd Edition
Luis Pedro Coelho; Willi Richert; Matthieu Brucher, 2018
Perguntem a Sarah Gross
João Pinto Coelho, 2015
Metodologias de Pesquisa em Artes Cênicas
André Carreira; Biange Cabral; Luiz Fernando Ramos; Sérgio Coelho Farias, 2006
Semiologia do Teatro
J. Guinsburg; Teixeira Coelho Netto; Reni Chaves Cardoso, 1988
Moderno Pós-Moderno: Modos e Versões
Teixeira Coelho, 2011
Um Curso de Álgebra Linear
Flávio Ulhoa Coelho, Mary Lilian Lourenço, 2018
Basic Representation Theory of Algebras (Graduate Texts in Mathematics (283))
Ibrahim Assem, Flávio U. Coelho, 2020
As profissöes imperiais: medicina, engenharia e advocacia no Rio de Janeiro, 1822-1930
Edmundo Campos Coelho, 1999
iKrítika: estudos críticos em informação
Arthur Coelho Bezerra, 2019
Crítica cultural: teoria e prática
Marcelo Coelho, 2006
Direito e Feminismos: Rompendo grades culturais limitantes
Org. Grazielly Alessandra Baggentoss; Amanda Muniz Oliveira; Beatriz de Almeida Coelho; Juliana Alice Fernandes Gonçalves; Poliana Ribeiro dos Santos., 2019
In the Wake of Freedom : India's Tryst with Cooperatives
Lakshmi Chand Jain; Karen Coelho, 1996
O que é utopia
Coelho, Teixeira, 1981
Microbiologia Industrial - Alimentos
Bernardo Dias Ribeiro; Karen Signori Pereira; Rodrigo Pires do Nascimento; Maria Alice Zarur Coelho, 2018
The Cambridge Companion to the Rolling Stones
Victor Coelho; John Covach, 2019
Instrumentalists and Renaissance Culture, 1420–1600: Players of Function and Fantasy
Victor Coelho, Keith Polk, 2016
Building Machine Learning Systems with Python: Explore machine learning and deep learning techniques for building intelligent systems using scikit-learn and TensorFlow
Luis Pedro Coelho; Wilhelm Richert; Matthieu Brucher, 2018
Sleep Medicine and Physical Therapy: A Comprehensive Guide for Practitioners
Cristina Frange (editor), Fernando Morgadinho Santos Coelho (editor), 2021
O problema da causa virtual na responsabilidade civil
Francisco Manuel de Brito Pereira Coelho, 1998
Methodology and Applications of Statistics: A Volume in Honor of C.R. Rao on the Occasion of his 100th Birthday (Contributions to Statistics)
Barry C. Arnold (editor), Narayanaswamy Balakrishnan (editor), Carlos A. Coelho (editor), 2022
Comentários à Nova Lei de Falências e de Recuperação de Empresas. Lei N. 11.101 de 9-2-2005
Fábio Ulhoa Coelho, 2008
Honorarios Advocaticios - V. 2
Luiz Henr Coelho, Marcus Vinicius Furtado^Camargo, 2015
O mistério do coelho pensante e outros contos
Clarice Lispector, 2010
Deep Learning, Machine Learning and IoT in Biomedical and Health Informatics: Techniques and Applications (Biomedical Engineering)
Sujata Dash (editor), Subhendu Kumar Pani (editor), Joel Jose P. Coelho Rodrigues (editor), Babita Majhi (editor), 2022