نتایج جستجو

Contre les hérésies 3.2. Texte et traduction
Irénée de Lyon
The Real Wolf: The Science, Politics, and Economics of Coexisting with Wolves in Modern Times
Ted B Lyon, Will N. Graves, 2018
Contre les hérésies, Livre V, tome 2
Irénée de Lyon
Surveillance and Control in Israel/Palestine: Population, Territory and Power
Elia Zureik, David Lyon, Yasmeen Abu-Laban (eds.), 2011
Lavil - Life, Love and Death in Port-au-Prince
Peter Orner & Evan Lyon, 2017
Pope Francis as a Global Actor: Where Politics and Theology Meet
Alynna J. Lyon,Christine A. Gustafson,Paul Christopher Manuel (eds.), 2018
Playing God in the Nursery
Jeff Lyon, 1986
The Culture of Surveillance: Watching as a Way of Life
David Lyon, 2018
Coleção Patrística
Orígenes; Santo Agostinho; Leão Magno; Santo Ambrósio; São João Crisóstomo; Irineu de Lyon; Justino de Roma; Santo Hilário de Poitiers; São Jerônimo; Gregório de Nissa; Gregório Magno; Eusébio de Cesaréia; Cipriano de Cartago; Padres Apologistas; Padres Apostólicos; Ambrósio de Milão; Santo Atanásio
Normes et hagiographie dans l’Occident latin (VIe-XVIe siècle): Actes du colloque international de Lyon, 4-6 octobre 2010
Editors Marie-Céline Isaïa and Thomas Granier, 2014
Kurds, Arabs and Britons: The Memoir of Col. W.A. Lyon in Kurdistan, 1918-1945
David K. Fieldhouse, 2002
Constance de Lyon : Vie de saint Germain d’Auxerre
R. Borius, 1965
Contre les hérésies, Livre III
Irénée de Lyon, François Sagnard (Ed.), 1952
Inca Architecture
Graziano Gasparini, Luise Margolies, Translated by Patricia J. Lyon, 1980
Rethinking church, state, and modernity : Canada between Europe and the United States
Lyon, David; Van Die, Marguerite, 2000