نتایج جستجو

Science and the Beauty Business: Volume 1: The Science of Cosmetics
John V. Simmons BSc (Hons) C Biol Ml Biol (auth.), 1989
11th Advances in Reliability Technology Symposium
W. Gall BSc (auth.), Peter Comer (eds.), 1990
Antimalarial Drug II: Current Antimalarial and New Drug Developments
E. W. McChesney, C. D. Fitch (auth.), Wallace Peters M.D., DSc, FRCP, DTM & H, William H. G. Richards BSc, Ph. D. (eds.), 1984
Antimalarial Drugs I: Biological Background, Experimental Methods, and Drug Resistance
P. C. C. Garnham (auth.), Wallace Peters M.D., DSc, FRCP, DTM & H, William H. G. Richards BSc, Ph.D. (eds.), 1984
Antimalarial Drugs I: Biological Background, Experimental Methods, and Drug Resistance
P. C. C. Garnham (auth.), Wallace Peters M.D., DSc, FRCP, DTM & H, William H. G. Richards BSc, Ph.D. (eds.), 1984
A Nurse's Guide to Caring for Cardiac Intervention Patients (Wiley Series in Nursing)
Eileen O'Grady, RN, Dip HE, BSc (Hons), 2007
International Dictionary of Marketing and Communication
Frank Jefkins BSc(Econ), BA(Hons), MCAM, FIPR, ABC, FAIE (auth.), 1987
Automatic speech recognition on mobile devices and over communication networks
Zheng-Hua Tan BSc, MSc, PhD, Børge Lindberg MSc (auth.), 2008
Electrical and Electronic Principles and Technology
John Bird BSc (Hons)CEngCMathCSciFIETMIEEFIIEFIMAFCollT, 2003
Electrical and Electronic Principles and Technology
John Bird BSc (Hons)CEngCMathCSciFIETMIEEFIIEFIMAFCollT, 2007
Electrical and Electronic Principles and Technology, Second Edition
John Bird BSc (Hons)CEngCMathCSciFIETMIEEFIIEFIMAFCollT, 2003
Electrical Circuit Theory and Technology
John Bird BSc (Hons)CEngCMathCSciFIETMIEEFIIEFIMAFCollT, 2003
Electrical Circuit Theory and Technology
John Bird BSc (Hons)CEngCMathCSciFIETMIEEFIIEFIMAFCollT, 2007
Electrical Circuit Theory and Technology
John Bird BSc (Hons)CEngCMathCSciFIETMIEEFIIEFIMAFCollT, 2003
Electrical Circuit Theory and Technology, Second Edition: Revised edition
John Bird BSc (Hons)CEngCMathCSciFIETMIEEFIIEFIMAFCollT, 2003
Electrical Circuit Theory and Technology, Second Edition: Revised edition
John Bird BSc (Hons)CEngCMathCSciFIETMIEEFIIEFIMAFCollT, 2003
Electrical Circuit Theory and Technology, Second Edition: Revised edition
John Bird BSc (Hons)CEngCMathCSciFIETMIEEFIIEFIMAFCollT, 2003
Commercial satellite communication
Stephan C. Pascall BSc PhD CEng MIEE, David Withers C. Eng FIEE, 1997
Practical power distribution for industry
Jan De Kock, Cobus Strauss CPEng BSc (ElecEng)Bcomm, 2004
Clinical Biochemistry: An Illustrated Colour Text
Allan Gaw MDPhDMRCPathMFPMMICR, Michael J. Murphy FRCPEdinFRCPath, Robert A. Cowan BScPhD, Denis St. J. O'Reilly MScMDFRCPath, Michael J. Stewart PhDFRCPath, James Shepherd MD, 2008
Practical industrial safety, risk assessment and shutdown systems for industry
Dave Macdonald BSc (Eng), 2004
A Practical Approach to Orthopaedic Medicine: Assessment, Diagnosis, Treatment
Elaine Atkins DProf MA MCSP Cert FE, Jill Kerr MSc BSc MCSP, Emily Jane Goodlad MSc MCSP
Aids to Undergraduate Medicine, Sixth Edition
J. L. Burton MDBScFRCP, B. J. L. Burton MAMRCP, 1997
Essential Radiological Anatomy for the MRCS
Stuart Currie BSc MB ChB MRCS, Steven Kennish MB ChB MRCS, Karen Flood BMedSci BM BS MRCS, 2009