نتایج جستجو

Remote Instrumentation and Virtual Laboratories: Service Architecture and Networking
M. Płóciennik, R. Pugliese (auth.), Franco Davoli, Norbert Meyer, Roberto Pugliese, Sandro Zappatore (eds.), 2010
Remote Instrumentation for eScience and Related Aspects
Roberto Borghes, Roberto Pugliese, George Kourousias, Alessio Curri, Milan Prica (auth.), Franco Davoli, Marcin Lawenda, Norbert Meyer, Roberto Pugliese, Jan Węglarz, Sandro Zappatore (eds.), 2012
Remote instrumentation for eScience and related aspects
Roberto Borghes, Roberto Pugliese, George Kourousias, Alessio Curri, Milan Prica (auth.), Franco Davoli, Marcin Lawenda, Norbert Meyer, Roberto Pugliese, Jan Węglarz, Sandro Zappatore (eds.), 2012
Remote Instrumentation for eScience and Related Aspects
Roberto Borghes, Roberto Pugliese, George Kourousias, Alessio Curri, Milan Prica (auth.), Franco Davoli, Marcin Lawenda, Norbert Meyer, Roberto Pugliese, Jan Węglarz, Sandro Zappatore (eds.), 2012
Remote Instrumentation Services on the e-Infrastructure: Applications and Tools
Francesco Lelli, Cesare Pautasso (auth.), Franco Davoli, Norbert Meyer, Roberto Pugliese, Sandro Zappatore (eds.), 2011
Remote Instrumentation Services on the e-Infrastructure: Applications and Tools
Francesco Lelli, Cesare Pautasso (auth.), Franco Davoli, Norbert Meyer, Roberto Pugliese, Sandro Zappatore (eds.), 2011
Remote Instrumentation Services on the e-Infrastructure: Applications and Tools
Francesco Lelli, Cesare Pautasso (auth.), Franco Davoli, Norbert Meyer, Roberto Pugliese, Sandro Zappatore (eds.), 2011
Making Sense of Data: Designing Effective Visualizations
Miriah Meyer, Danyel Fisher, 2016
Automatic Gain Control: Techniques and Architectures for RF Receivers
Meyer Wheeldon, 2011
The Cambrian Explosion. Biology Big Bang
Meyer Ross Nelson Chien
Mathematik für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler (2010/2011)
Peter Meyer-Nieberg, 2011
Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics
Vaughan Meyer, 2015
Evolution of United States Budgeting:
Annette Meyer, 2002
R. J. Meyer (auth.), 1961
From Animals to Animats 2
Jean-Arcady Meyer, 1993