نتایج جستجو

Formal Techniques for Computer Systems and Business Processes: European Performance Engineering Workshop, EPEW 2005 and International Workshop on Web Services and Formal Methods, WS-FM 2005, Versailles, France, September 1-3, 2005. Proceedings
Peter Harrison (auth.), Mario Bravetti, Leïla Kloul, Gianluigi Zavattaro (eds.), 2005
Formal Techniques for Computer Systems and Business Processes: European Performance Engineering Workshop, EPEW 2005 and International Workshop on Web Services and Formal Methods, WS-FM 2005, Versailles, France, September 1-3, 2005. Proceedings
Peter Harrison (auth.), Mario Bravetti, Leïla Kloul, Gianluigi Zavattaro (eds.), 2005
Functional Programming
Anthony J. Field, Peter Harrison, 1988
Garden Houses and Privies: Authentic Details for Design and Restoration
Peter Joel Harrison, 2002
Garden Houses and Privies: Authentic Details for Design and Restoration
Peter Joel Harrison, 2002
Garden Houses and Privies: Authentic Details for Design and Restoration
Peter Joel Harrison, 2002
Hormones and the Brain
Peter C. Gray, Louise M. Bilezikjian, Craig A. Harrison (auth.), Claude Kordon Ph.D., Rolf-Christian Gaillard M.D., Yves Christen Ph.D. (eds.), 2005
Linux (R) Quick Fix Notebook
Peter Harrison, 2005
Linux Quick Fix Notebook
Peter Harrison, 2005
Linux(R) Quick Fix Notebook
Peter Harrison, 2005
Mastering Tomcat Development
Peter Harrison, Ian McFarland, 2002
Christian Bale: The Inside Story of the Darkest Batman
Harrison Cheung, Nicola Pittam, 2012
Christian Bale: The Inside Story of the Darkest Batman
Harrison Cheung, Nicola Pittam, 2012
Harrison's Neurology in Clinical Medicine
Stephen Hauser, Scott Josephson, 2013
Harrison's Neurology in Clinical Medicine, 2nd Edition
Stephen Hauser, Scott Josephson, Scott Andrew Josephson, 2010
Harrison's Neurology in Clinical Medicine, 3E
Stephen Hauser, Scott Josephson, 2013
Harrison's Neurology in Clinical Medicine, Second Edition
Stephen Hauser, Scott Josephson, 2010
Engineering Rock Mechanics (Vol 2) Illustrative Examples
J. Hudson, J. Harrison, 1997
Engineering Rock Mechanics Part II: Illustrative Worked Examples
John P. Harrison John A. Hudson, 2001
Engineering Rock Mechanics, Part 1 - An Introduction to the Principles
Harrison, John P.; Hudson, John A., 1997
Engineering Rock Mechanics. An Introduction to the Principles
John A. Hudson and John P. Harrison (Auth.), 1997
Agent Systems, Mobile Agents, and Applications: Second International Symposium on Agent Systems and Applications and Fourth International Symposium on Mobile Agents, ASA/MA 2000, Zurich, Switzerland, September 13-15, 2000 Proceedings
Colin G. Harrison (auth.), David Kotz, Friedemann Mattern (eds.), 2000
Automated Deduction - CADE-17: 17th International Conference on Automated Deduction Pittsburgh, PA, USA, June 17-20, 2000. Proceedings
John Harrison (auth.), David McAllester (eds.), 2000