نتایج جستجو

First Man: The Life of Neil A. Armstrong
James R. Hansen, 2018
O primeiro homem: A vida de Neil Armstrong
James R. Hansen, 2018
Dear Neil Armstrong: Letters to the First Man from All Mankind
James R. Hansen (editor), 2019
A Reluctant Icon: Letters to Neil Armstrong
James R. Hansen (editor), 2020
Neil Armstrong
Romain Parmentier, 2016
Life Magazine 2018 His Life and Legacy First Man On The Moon NEIL ARMSTRONG
Life Magazine, 2018
Neil Armstrong
Romain Parmentier, 2016
One Giant Leap: The Story of Neil Armstrong
Don Brown, 2001
The Power of Neurodiversity: Unleashing the Advantages of Your Differently Wired Brain
Ph.D. Thomas Armstrong PhD, 2011
The Power of Neurodiversity: Unleashing the Advantages of Your Differently Wired Brain
Ph.D. Thomas Armstrong PhD, 2011
Antimalarial Drug II: Current Antimalarial and New Drug Developments
E. W. McChesney, C. D. Fitch (auth.), Wallace Peters M.D., DSc, FRCP, DTM & H, William H. G. Richards BSc, Ph. D. (eds.), 1984
Antimalarial Drugs I: Biological Background, Experimental Methods, and Drug Resistance
P. C. C. Garnham (auth.), Wallace Peters M.D., DSc, FRCP, DTM & H, William H. G. Richards BSc, Ph.D. (eds.), 1984
Antimalarial Drugs I: Biological Background, Experimental Methods, and Drug Resistance
P. C. C. Garnham (auth.), Wallace Peters M.D., DSc, FRCP, DTM & H, William H. G. Richards BSc, Ph.D. (eds.), 1984
Atlas de medicina tropical y parasitología
Wallace Peters, MD (London), DSc (London), Docteur Honoris Causa (Université René Descartes, Paris), FRCP, DTM&H, and Geoffrey Pasvol, MA (Oxon), MB ChB, DPhil (Oxon), FRCP, FRCPE (Auth.), 2008
A Textbook of Regional Anatomy
J. Joseph MD, DSc, FRCOG (auth.), 1982
Steels: metallurgy and applications
David Llewellyn Awarded the PFEIL Medal by the Institute of Materials in 1995Awarded degree of Doctor of Science (DSc) by University of Wales in 1996, Roger Hudd Awarded Verulam Medal by the Institute of Materials in 1996, 1998
Current Orthopaedics. Volume 20 (2006)
Professor R. A. Dickson MA, ChM, FRCS, DSc (editor), 2006
Current Orthopaedics. Volume 19 (2005)
Professor R. A. Dickson MA, ChM, FRCS, DSc, 2005
Encyclopedia of the Neurological Sciences
Michael Aminoff, Robert B. Daroff, Michael J. Aminoff MDDScFRCP, Robert B. Daroff MD, 2003
Dietary Starches and Sugars in Man: A Comparison
M. W. Kearsley, P. J. Sicard (auth.), John Dobbing DSc, FRCP, FRCPath (eds.), 1989
Dyskinesia: Research and Treatment
P. Seeman (auth.), Daniel E. Casey MD, Thomas N. Chase MD, Anne Vibeke Christensen MSc Pharm, DSc, Jes Gerlach MD (eds.), 1985
Neuroblastoma: mIBG in its Diagnosis and Management
Judy S. E. Moyes MA (Cantab), FRCP (C), V. Ralph McCready DSc, MRCP, FRCR, Ann C. Fullbrook DCR(T), DRI (auth.), 1989
Medical Education and Manpower in the EEC: Proceedings of a Symposium organized by Fondazione Smith Kline at Stresa, Italy, 1–4 October 1982
Professor Sir John Walton TD, MD, DSc, FRCP, T. B. Binns FRCP (Lond), FRCP (Edin), FRCP (Glasg), DCH (eds.), 1984