نتایج جستجو

Alphawolf. Ein erotischer Werwolf-Roman
Sandra Henke, 2010
Caring for Our Own: Why There is No Political Demand for New American Social Welfare Rights
Sandra R. Levitsky, 2014
Science Teacher Education (Science & Technology Education Library)
Sandra K. Abell, 2001
Science Teacher Education (Science & Technology Education Library)
Sandra K. Abell, 2001
Shellfish safety and quality
Sandra E Shumway; Gary Eugene Rodrick
Shellfish safety and quality
Sandra E. Shumway, 2009
The postcolonial science and technology studies reader
Sandra G Harding, 2011
Youngsters Solving Mathematical Problems with Technology: The Results and Implications of the Problem@Web Project
Susana Carreira, Keith Jones, Nélia Amado, Hélia Jacinto, Sandra Nobre (auth.), 2016
Cell Culture Techniques
Anna Bal-Price, Sandra Coecke (auth.), Michael Aschner, Cristina Suñol, Anna Bal-Price (eds.), 2011
Cell Culture Techniques
Anna Bal-Price, Sandra Coecke (auth.), Michael Aschner, Cristina Suñol, Anna Bal-Price (eds.), 2011
The Space Between: Literary Epiphany in the Work of Annie Dillard
Sandra H. Johnson, 1992
Biomedical EPR Part B Methodology, instrumentation, and dynamics
Sandra S Eaton; Gareth R Eaton; Lawrence J Berliner, 2006
Biomedical EPR: Methodology, Instrumentation, and Dynamics
Sandra S. Eaton, Gareth R. Eaton, Lawrence Berliner, 2004
Becoming an Entrepreneur
Susanne Weber, Fritz K. Oser, Frank Achtenhagen, Michael Fretschner, Sandra Trost (eds.), 2014
A Gazeta “da Restauração”: Primeiro Periódico Português Uma análise do discurso VOL. II - Reproduções
Jorge Pedro Sousa (Coord.); Maria do Carmo Castelo Branco; Mário Pinto; Sandra Tuna; Gabriel Silva; Eduardo Zilles Borba; Mônica Delicato; Carlos Duarte; Nair Silva; Patrícia Teixeira, 2011
Anthropology and Epidemiology: Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Study of Health and Disease
Frederick L. Dunn, Craig R. Janes (auth.), Craig R. Janes, Ron Stall, Sandra M. Gifford (eds.), 1987
Adventures Abroad. North American Women at German-Speaking Universities, 1868-1915
Sandra L. Singer, 2004
Business and technical communication: an annotated guide to sources, skills, and samples
Sandra E. Belanger, 2005
A companion to translation studies
Sandra Bermann; Catherine Porter, 2014
Dependency parsing
Sandra Kubler, Ryan McDonald, Joakim Nivre, Graeme Hirst, 2009
Community Interpreting
Sandra Beatriz Hale (auth.), 2007
Community Interpreting (Research and Practice in Applied Linguistics)
Sandra Hale, 2007
Researching Second Language Classrooms
Sandra Lee Mckay, 2006
Researching Second Language Classrooms (ESL and Applied Linguistics Professional Series)
Sandra Lee McKay, 2006