نتایج جستجو

America's Lab Report: Investigations in High School Science
Committee on High School Science Laboratories: Role and Vision, National Research Council, 2005
American Universities and Colleges Two Volumes (American Univerisites and Colleges)
American Council on Education, 2008
2001 Assessment of the Office of Naval Research's Aircraft Technology Program
Committee for the Review of ONR's Aircraft Technology Program, National Research Council, 2001
2001 Assessment of the Office of Naval Research's Aircraft Technology Program
Committee for the Review of ONR's Aircraft Technology Program, National Research Council, 2001
Aging Avionics in Military Aircraft (Compass Series)
National Research Council, 2001
Iron Council
China Miéville, 2008
BritLit: Using Literature in EFL Classrooms
British Council, 2009
Data Needs for the State Children's Health Insurance Program
Panel for the Workshop on the State Children's Health Insurance Program, National Research Council, 2002
Data-based Assessment of Research-doctorate Programs in the United States
National Research Council, 2011
Elevation Data for Floodplain Mapping
Committee on Floodplain Mapping Technologies, National Research Council, 2007
Ensuring the Quality of Data Disseminated by the Federal Government: Workshop Report
National Research Council, 2003
A review of the accomplishments and plans of the NOAA Coastal Ocean Program (1994)
Panel on the NOAA Coastal Ocean Program, Ocean Studies Board, Commission on Geosciences, Environment, and Resources, National Research Council.
Access to Research Data in the 21st Century (The compass series)
Technology, and Law Panel Science, National Research Council, 2002
Adaptive Monitoring and Assessment for the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan
Committee on Restoration of the Greater Everglades Ecosystem, National Research Council, 2003
Advanced Fibers for High-Temperature Ceramic Composites: Advanced Materials for the Twenty-First Century
National Research Council, 1998
The Future of Air Traffic Control: Human Operators and Automation
Panel on Human Factors in Air Traffic Control Automation, National Research Council, Christopher D. Wickens, Anne S. Mavor, Raja Parasuraman, James P. McGee, 1998
Advancing Nuclear Medicine Through Innovation
Committee on State of the Science of Nuclear Medicine, National Research Council, 2007
An Introduction to Efficacy in Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine: (Justification of Medical Radiation Exposure) (Ncrp Commentary)
National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, 1995
Radiation Protection in Dentistry
National Council on Radiation Protection, 2004
New Directions for Understanding Systemic Risk: A Report on a Conference Cosponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the National Academy of Sciences
Board on Mathematical Sciences and Their Applications, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, National Research Council, John Kambhu, Scott Weidman, Neel Krishnan, 2007
California Agricultural Research Priorities: Pierce's Disease
Committee on California Agriculture and Natural Resources, National Research Council, 2004
Diagnosis and Control of Johne's Disease
Committee on Diagnosis and Control of Johne's Disease, National Research Council, 2003
Emerging Animal Diseases: Global Markets, Global Safety: A Workshop Summary
Debra P. Davis, National Research Council Staff
Food Safety and Foodborne Disease Surveillance Systems: Proceedings of an Iranian-American Workshop
Office for Central Europe and Eurasia, National Research Council, Iran Research Center for Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases Shaheed Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, World Health Organization, Food and Agriculture Organization, 2006