نتایج جستجو

Control Problems for Conservation Laws with Traffic Applications: Modeling, Analysis, and Numerical Methods (Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Their Applications, 99)
Alexandre Bayen, Maria Laura Delle Monache, Mauro Garavello, Paola Goatin, Benedetto Piccoli, 2022
Complex Social Issues and the Perinatal Woman
Laura Abbott (editor), 2021
Complexity of Interaction: Studies in Multimodal Conversation Analysis
Pentti Haddington (editor), Tiina Eilittä (editor), Antti Kamunen (editor), Laura Kohonen-Aho (editor), Iira Rautiainen (editor), Anna Vatanen (editor), 2023
Climate Change Adaptation, Governance and New Issues of Value: Measuring the Impact of ESG Scores on CoE and Firm Performance (Palgrave Studies in Impact Finance)
Carlo Bellavite Pellegrini (editor), Laura Pellegrini (editor), Massimo Catizone (editor), 2022
Ristoranti d'Italia del Gambero Rosso 2024
Laura Mantovano (editor), Valentina Marino (editor), Antonio Paolini (editor), 2023
Middernacht 02-Schreeuw om middernacht
Read, Benjamin & Laura Trinder
De brief om Middernacht
Laura Trinder en Benjamin Read
Expérimentez l'ACT
Dennis Tirch, Laura R. Silberstein-Tirch, R. Trent Codd III, Martin J. Brock, M. Joann Wright, 2021
Mathematical Statistics with Resampling and R
Chihara Laura M., Hesterberg Tim C., 2011
Washington, DC
Laura Harger, 2001
Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems: 28th International Conference, FMICS 2023, Antwerp, Belgium, September 20–22, 2023, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Alessandro Cimatti (editor), Laura Titolo (editor), 2023
Neurobiological and Psychological Aspects of Brain Recovery (Contemporary Clinical Neuroscience)
Laura Petrosini (editor), 2023
La hija de la noche
Laura Gallego, 2004![Strategies for Technical Communication in the Workplace [RENTAL EDITION]](http://cdn.ketabkoo.com/covers/17/1734475-n.jpg)
Strategies for Technical Communication in the Workplace [RENTAL EDITION]
Laura J. Gurak, John M. Lannon, 2018
Borders and Border Crossings in the Contemporary British Short Story
Barbara Korte (editor), Laura Mª Lojo-Rodríguez (editor), 2020
Le ragazze di Benin City. La tratta delle nuove schiave dalla Nigeria ai marciapiedi d'Italia
Laura Maragnani, Isoke Aikpitanyi, 2014
Someone to stay
Laura Kneidl, 2023
Pueblos indígenas y territorios mediáticos : Estudios sobre comunicación indígena en Argentina
LILIANA Lizondo, MAGDALENA Doyle (eds.), LUCIANO Beccaría, SIXTO Codutti, DIANA Della Bruna, MAGDALENA Doyle, OSCAR Grillo, FRANCISCO Gil García, LILIANA Lizondo, REYNA López, CLAUDIA Magallanes, EDITH Martearena, LAURA Méndez, FELISA Mendoza, PAULA Milana, MARÍA Miranda, ANA Müller, CRISTÓBAL Núñez, MAXIMILIANO Núñez, MARIANA Ortega, ISABEL Paredes, YOSELIN Plaza, OMAR Rincón, JOSE Sajama, EMILSE Siares, MAIRA Silvana López, FLORENCIA Tolava, AYDA Valdez, ILEANA Vanesa Mamani, ABIGAIL Velazquez, 2023
Diversidad Cultural e Interculturalidad en Educación Superior. Experiencias en América Latina
Daniel Mato, Estela Maris Valenzuela, Beatriz Gualdieri, María Vázquez, Marta Tomé, Julio Mallea, José Saavedra, Freddy Delgado, Lucio Flores, Elias Januário, Fernando Selleri Silva, Fabíola Carvalho, Fábio Almeida de Carvalho, Antonio de Souza, Renato Ferreira, Teresa Durán, Marcelo Berho, Noelia Carrasco, Jorge Vergara, Luis Godoy, Graciela Bolaños, Libia Tattay,Avelina Pancho, Guzmán Cáisamo Isarama, Laura García, Axel Rojas, Félix Suárez, Betty Lozano, Rubén Hernández, Luis Sarango, Alejan, 2008
Musculoskeletal Injections Manual: Basics, Techniques and Injectable Agents
Baris Kocaoglu (editor), Lior Laver (editor), Laura de Girolamo (editor), Riccardo Compagnoni (editor), 2024
Pueblos Indígenas, Estado y democracia
Pablo Dávalos (ed.), Pablo Dávalos, Luis Macas, Héctor Díaz, Víctor Toledo, Laura Kropff, Robert Andolina, Sarah Radcliffe, Nina Laurie, Peter Melesio, Esteban Ticona, Floresmilo Simbaña, Francisco Peña, Araceli Burguete Cal y Mayor, Xochilt Leyva, Paulina Palacios, Francisco Hidalgo, Leonardo Viteri, 2005
Playful Pedagogy in Higher Education: Research and Cases from across the Disciplines
Laura Baecher, Lindsay Portnoy (eds.), 2024