نتایج جستجو

Computer Architecture and Organization
John Patrick Hayes
فیزیک 3 پایه دوازدهم
سازمان پژوهش و برنامه ریزی آموزشی, 1398
KINE 401 Organization, Administration, and Legal Issues in Sport and PE
Colorado Mesa University, 2018
چارچوب سندای برای کاهش خطرپذیری سوانح (2015-2030)
تدوین سازمان ملل متحد, دفتر کاهش خطرپذیری سوانح, 1394
چارچوب سندای برای کاهش خطر بلایا (2015-2030)
سازمان ملل متحد, دفتر کاهش ریسک بلایا, مترجمان عباس استادتق یزاده, مصطفی محقق, کیوان کریم لو, 1394
Voluntary Organizations in the Chinese Diaspora
Khun Eng Kuah-Pearce, Evelyn Hu-Dehart, 2006
Germany and the Second World War: Volume 5: Organization and Mobilization of the German Sphere of Power. Part I: Wartime Administration, Economy, and ... of Power Vol 5 (Germany & Second World War)
Bernhard R. Kroener (editor), Rolf-Dieter Muller (editor), Hans Umbreit (editor), 2000
Regulation and Organisations
Morgan, Glenn.,Engwall, Lars., 2011
The Manager's Pocket Guide to Spiritual Leadership: Transforming Dysfunctional Organizations into Healthy Communities (Manager's Pocket Guides)
Richard Bellingham Ed.D., Julie Meek DNS, 2014
Feedback That Works for Nonprofit Organizations
Clark, Shera;, 2017
Behavior in Organizations
Jerald Greenberg, 2010
Geheime Dienste: Die politische Inlandsspionage der Organisation Gehlen 1946-1953
Klaus-Dietmar Henke, 2018
A High Performance Organization... What Is It?
Marco Schreurs, Alex Meingast, 2015
India and the Dynamics of World Politics: A Book on Indian Foreign Policy, Related Events and International Organizations
Reetika Sharma, Ramvir Goria, Vivek Mishra, 2010
Starts with One, It: Changing Individuals Changes Organizations
J. Stewart Black, Hal Gregersen, 2008
விழிப்பாய் தமிழா வெற்றி நிச்சயம்
கனகசுப்புரத்தினம், 2020
The Cell: Organisation Functions and Regulatory Mechanisms
Shakir Ali, 2014
The Psychology of People in Organisations
Melanie Ashleigh, 2012
大众科学的文化意义: 19世纪英国颅相学及其认同组织
[英]罗杰•库特, 2011
Individual differences and development in organisations
Michael Pearn, 2002
The Justice and Development Party in Turkey: Populism, Personalism, Organization
Toygar Sinan Baykan, 2018