نتایج جستجو

Long Term Perspectives in Evaluation: Increasing Relevance and Utility
Kim Forss; Ida Lindkvist; Mark McGillivray, 2020
Ecommerce User Experience Vol. 1: User Behavior, Key Findings and Executive Summary for the Series
Kim Flaherty, Nielsen Norman Group
Hope Springs Eternal: French Bondholders and the Repudiation of Russian Sovereign Debt
Kim Oosterlinck, 2016
Power Relations and Comparative Regionalism: Europe, East Asia and Latin America
Min-Hyung Kim; James A Caporaso, 2021
New Urban Immigrants: The Korean Community in New York
Illsoo Kim, 1981
Advanced Mobile Robotics: Volume 1
DaeEun Kim, 2020
Advanced Mobile Robotics: Volume 2
DaeEun Kim, 2020
Advanced Mobile Robotics: Volume 3
DaeEun Kim, 2020
Atlas and Anatomy of PET/MRI, PET/CT and SPECT/CT
E. Edmund Kim, Hyung-jun Im, Dong Soo Lee, Keon Wook Kang, 2016
Japan and East Asian Integration: Trade and Domestic Politics
Jemma Kim, 2017
Congress on Intelligent Systems: Proceedings of CIS 2021, Volume 2 (Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, 111)
Mukesh Saraswat (editor), Harish Sharma (editor), K. Balachandran (editor), Joong Hoon Kim (editor), Jagdish Chand Bansal (editor), 2022
The Historical Lesson in Building Socialism
Kim Jong Il, 2022
Los guardianes de la tierra. Los indígenas y su relación con el medio ambiente
José Juncosa (ed.), Verónica Naikiai, Darrell Posey, Anthony Anderson, Kim Hill, Hillard Kaplan, Ramiro Moncayo, Marcelino Sosa, Manuel Quintín, Heriberto Oyuela, Andrés Nuningo, et al. (auts.), 1992
Conscience in Action: The Autobiography of Kim Dae-jung
Lee Hee Ho, 2018
Partnership Within Hierarchy: The Evolving East Asian Security Triangle
Sung Chull Kim, 2017
International solidarity in the low countries during the twentieth century : new perspectives and themes
John Nieuwenhuys (editor); (Historian) Charles Roemer (editor); Kim Christiaens (editor), 2020
Speaking Justice to Power: Ethical and Methodological Challenges for Evaluators
Kim Forss; Mita Marra, 2014
South Korea's Foreign Aid: The Domestic Politics of Middle Power Diplomacy
Hyo-sook Kim, 2021
Regional Co-Operation and Its Enemies in Northeast Asia: The Impact of Domestic Forces
Edward Friedman; Sung Chull Kim, 2006