نتایج جستجو

Stolen Words: The Nazi Plunder of Jewish Books
Rabbi Mark Glickman, 2016
Books in Motion in Early Modern Europe: Beyond Production, Circulation and Consumption
Daniel Bellingradt, Paul Nelles, Jeroen Salman (eds.), 2017
Of Books, Barns, and Boardrooms: Exploring Praxis through Reflexive Inquiry
Ellyn Lyle (auth.), 2017
Video Games and Storytelling: Reading Games and Playing Books
Souvik Mukherjee (auth.), 2015
The Collected Letters of C.S. Lewis, Volume II: Books, Broadcasts and War 1931-1949
Lewis, Clive Staples, 2009
Persians: Masters of Empire
Time-Life Books, 1995
The Books and the Parchments: How We Got Our English Bible
Frederick Fyvie Bruce, 1963
Lost Books: Reconstructing the Print World of Pre-Industrial Europe
Flavia Bruni, Andrew Pettegree, 2016
The Man Who Has It All: A Patronizing Parody of Self-Help Books for Women
ManWhoHasItAll, 2018
The Mad Cracker
Assimil - Italian without toil - L’italien sans peine (books and audio)
Alphonse Chérel, 1957
CGP AQA Biology A-Level
CGP Books, 2015
Jewish Books and their Readers : Aspects of the Intellectual Life of Christians and Jews in Early Modern Europe
Scott Mandelbrote, Joanna Weinberg (eds.), 2016
Palestine in Israeli School Books: Ideology and Propaganda in Education
Nurit Peled-Elhanan, 2012
Students and Resistance in Palestine: Books, Guns and Politics
Ido Zelkovitz, 2014
True Crime Stories: 3 True Crime Books Collection (Book 4, 5 & 6)
Jack Rosewood, 2018
Presented Discourse in Popular Science: Professional Voices in Books for Lay Audiences
Olga Pilkington, 2018
Reading Books and Prints as Cultural Objects
Evanghelia Stead (eds.), 2018