نتایج جستجو

Hagiography and Modern Russian Literature
Margaret Ziolkowski, 1988
The First Epoch: The Eighteenth Century and the Russian Cultural Imagination
Luba Golburt, 2014
Reframing Russian Modernism
Irina Shevelenko, 2018
Global Russian Cultures
Kevin M.F. Platt, 2019
The Imperial Russian Army in Peace, War, and Revolution, 1856-1917
Roger R. Reese, 2019
Russian Romanticism
Lauren G. Leighton, 1975
The Art of Teaching Russian
Evgeny Dengub; Irina Dubinina; Jason Merrill, 2020
Haunted Empire: Gothic and the Russian Imperial Uncanny
Valeria Sobol, 2020
Beginner's Russian
Anna S. Kudyma, Frank J. Miller, Olga E. Kagan
The Chicken From Minsk: And 99 Other Infuriatingly Challenging Brainteasiers From The Great Russian Tradition of Math And Science
Yuri B. Chernyak, Robert M. Rose, 1995
Dictionary of Building and Civil Engineering: English, German, French, Dutch, Russian
S. N. Korchomkin et al., 1985
Russian constructivism
Lodder, Christina, 1983
A People's History of the Russian Revolution
Neil Faulkner, 2017
Critical Companion to the Russian Revolution 1914-1921
Edward Acton (editor), Vladimir Cherniaev (editor), William Rosenberg (editor), 2001
A Concise History of the Russian Orthodox Church
Neil Kent, 2022
Англо-русский глоссарий торговой политики: English-Russian glossary of trade policy
А. П. Портанский, 2014
The Long Song of Tchaikovsky Street: A Russian Adventure
Pieter Waterdrinker, 2022
Hope Springs Eternal: French Bondholders and the Repudiation of Russian Sovereign Debt
Kim Oosterlinck, 2016
Ruptures and continuities in Soviet/Russian cinema : styles, characters and genres before and after the collapse of the USSR
Eugenie Zvonkine (editor); Birgit Beumers (editor), 2018
Russian Information Warfare: Assault on Democracies in the Cyber Wild West
Bilyana Lilly, 2022