نتایج جستجو

Textiles and Gender in Antiquity: From the Orient to the Mediterranean
Mary Harlow, Cecile Michel, Louise Quillien, 2020
Michel Temer e o fascismo comum
Tales Ab'Sáber, 2020
Il coccodrillo di Aristotele
Michel Onfray, 2020
Analyser la communication numérique écrite
Michel Marcoccia, 2016
França Revolucionária 1789-1799 - Dez anos pós-Bastilha (Revolução Francesa)
Michel Vovelle, 1989
Znanje i moć
Michel Foucault (prir. H. Burger; R. Kalanj), 1994
El lugar del otro: historia religiosa y mística
Michel de Certeau, 2007
Michel Foucault. Il filosofo del secolo. Una biografia
Didier Eribon, 2021
Group Theory in Physics: A Practitioner's Guide
Rutwig Campoamor-Stursberg, Michel Rausch de Traubenberg, 2018
In the Presence of Schopenhauer
Michel Houellebecq, 2020
Beckett and Sade
Jean-Michel Rabaté, 2020
Liar's Poker: The Great Powers, Yugoslavia and the Wars of the Future
Michel Collon, 2002
War, Videotapes & Lies: How media monopoly stifles truth
Lenora Foerstel, Jean-Bertand Aristide, Ben Bagdikian, Michel Collon, 2000
Poetic Critique: Encounters with Art and Literature
Michel Chaouli (editor), Jan Lietz (editor), Jutta Müller-Tamm (editor), Simon Schleusener (editor), 2021
El hombre nuevo soviético
Michel Heller, 1985
Παρασκευάς ή Στις μονές του Ειρηνικού
Michel Tournier; Λάζος Χρήστος, 1986
Transcending the Postmodern: The Singular Response of Literature to the Transmodern Paradigm
Susana Onega and Jean-Michel Ganteau, 2020
福柯的生死爱欲 / The Passion of Michel Foucault
[英国] 詹姆斯·米勒, 2003
The American Prose Poem: Poetic Form and the Boundaries of Genre
Michel Delville, 1998
Child Care Policy at the Crossroads: Gender and Welfare State Restructuring
Sonya Michel, Rianne Mahon, 2002
Ditos e Escritos, vol. VI - Repensar a política
Michel Foucault, 2010
Spinoza Ethica. Concordances, Index, Listes de fréquences, Tables comparatives
Gueret, Michel; Robinet, A.; Tombeur, P., 1977
A contemplação do mundo
Michel Maffesoli, 1995
No fundo das aparências
Michel Maffesoli, 1996