نتایج جستجو

The College Instructor’s Guide to Writing Test Items: Measuring Student Learning
Michael Rodriguez, Anthony Albano, 2017
Nation and Classical Music: From Handel to Copland
Matthew Riley, Anthony D. Smith, 2016
A Geometric Setting for Hamiltonian Perturbation Theory
Anthony D. Blaom, 2001
Solution Manual Introduction to Genetic Analysis, 10th Edition
Anthony J.F. Griffiths, Susan R. Wessler, Sean B. Carroll, John Doebley, 2010
The Hilbert Function of a Level Algebra
Anthony V. Geramita, Tadahito Harima, Juan C. Migliore, Yong Su Shin, 2007
Associated Graded Algebra of a Gorenstein Artin Algebra
Anthony A. Iarrobino, 1994
Punctual Hilbert Schemes
Anthony A. Iarrobino, 1995
Web Derivatives
Anthony P. Morse, Hewitt Kenyon, 1973
A Topological Chern-Weil Theory
Anthony V. Phillips, David A., M.D. Stone, 1993
Financial Institutions Management: A Risk Management Approach
Anthony Saunders, Marcia Millon Cornett, 2013
Existence Theorems for Minimal Surfaces of Non-Zero Genus Spanning a Contour
Friedrich Tomi, Anthony J. Tromba, 1988
The Index Theorem for Minimal Surfaces of Higher Genus
Friedrich Tomi, Anthony J. Tromba, 1995
The Encyclopedia of Vaudeville
Anthony Slide, 2012
The Gulf War. Operation Desert Storm 1990-1991 (Modern Warfare)
Anthony Tucker-Jones, 2014
The management of the mobilization of English armies. Edward I to Edward III
Kaner, Ralph Anthony, 1999
Religion and Ethics in a Globalizing World: Conflict, Dialogue, and Transformation
Luca Anceschi, Joseph Anthony Camilleri, Ruwan Palapathwala, Andrew Wicking (eds.), 2011
Governing Global Finance: The Evolution and Reform of the International Financial Architecture
Anthony Elson (auth.), 2011
Shakespeare and Genre: From Early Modern Inheritances to Postmodern Legacies
Anthony R. Guneratne (eds.), 2011
Globalization and Development: Why East Asia Surged Ahead and Latin America Fell Behind
Anthony Elson (auth.), 2013
The Novels of Anthony Powell
James Tucker (auth.), 1976
Know Your Surgery
Anthony E. Stuart (auth.), 1980
The Press and Apartheid: Repression and Propaganda in South Africa
William A. Hachten, C. Anthony Giffard (auth.), Harva Hachten (eds.), 1984
Southeast Asia in the early modern era : trade, power, and belief
Anthony Reid, 1993
Robert V. Rohli, Anthony J. Vega, 2018