نتایج جستجو

Learning Python
Mark Lutz, 1999
Learning Python
Mark Lutz, 1999
Cooperative learning in the classroom: putting it into practice
Wendy Jolliffe, 2007
Web-Based Teaching and Learning across Culture and Age
Fengfeng Ke, 2013
Web-Based Teaching and Learning across Culture and Age
Fengfeng Ke, 2013
Up Close and Personal: The Teaching and Learning of Narrative Research
Ruthellen Josselson, 2002
Water Learning
Susan Grosse, 2007
Learning from Mickey, Donald and Walt: Essays on Disney's Edutainment Films
A. Bowdoin Van Riper, 2011
Beyond Rhetoric: Adult Learning Policies and Practices
OECD. Published by : OECD Publishing, 2003
The Power of Technology for Learning
Noah P. Barsky, 2008
The Power of Technology for Learning
Eva Rimbau-Gilabert, 2008
Teaching Interpersonal Skills: A handbook of experiential learning for health professionals
Philip Burnard (auth.), 1989
Machine learning and data mining : introduction to principles and algorithms
Igor Kononenko, 2007
CIMA - C03 Fundamentals of Business Mathematics: Revision Kit
BPP Learning Media, 2010
CIMA - C03 Fundamentals of Business Mathematics: Study Text
Bpp Learning Media, 2010
CIMA - C04 Fundamentals of Business Economics: Revision Kit
BPP Learning Media, 2010
CIMA - C04 Fundamentals of Business Economics: Study Text
Bpp Learning Media, 2010
CIMA E3 Strategic Management: Objective Test Question Kit
BPP Learning Media, 2015
CTH - Introduction to Tourism Economics
BPP Learning Media, 2011
CTH - Special Interest Tourism
BPP Learning Media, 2011
CTH Finance for Tourism and Hospitality
BPP Learning Media, 2009
CTH Food and Beverage Operations
BPP Learning Media, 2010
CTH Food Hygiene, Health and Safety
BPP Learning Media, 2009