نتایج جستجو

How to crush your chess opponents
Burgess, Graham K.; Williams, Simon, 2008
Understanding Chess Tactics
Martin Weteschnik, 2005
175 Chess Brilliancies
Wenman P., 1947
Gems of the chess board
Wenman, P., 1945
Piece Power (Think Like a Chess Master)
Peter Wells, 1994
Secrets of Modern Chess Strategy
John L. Watson, 1999
Starting Out: Chess Tactics and Checkmates
Chris Ward, 2006
Chess Choice Challenge 3
Chris Ward, 2004
Chess Choice Challenge 2
Chris Ward, 2003
Chess Encyclopedia
Wall Bill, 1999
Chess For Tomorrow’s Champions
J.N. Walker; Edward McLachlan, 1995
Test your chess : piece power
Walker, John Norman, 1980
Check out chess
Wade, Robert Graham; Nottingham, Ted, 1989
Art of Attack in Chess
Vladimir Vukovic, 1999
Risk & Bluff in Chess: The Art of Taking Calculated Risks
Vladimir Tukmakov, 2015
Power chess with pieces : the ultimate guide to the bishop pair & strong knights
Timman, Jan Hendrik; Verhagen, Piet, 2004
On the Attack: The Art of Attacking Chess According to the Modern Masters
Jan Timman; Piet Verhagen, 2006
Chess the adventurous way : best games and analyses 1983-1993
Timman, Jan Hendrik, 1994
Chess treasury of the air.
Tiller, Terence, 1966
Pawn sacrifice! : winning at chess the adventurous way
Taylor, Timothy, 2008
Positional chess
Taulbut, Shaun Mark, 1989
The Hypermodern Game of Chess
Savielly Tartakower, 2015
Three steps to chess mastery
Suetin Alexey, 1996
Soviet Chess Strategy
Alexei Suetin, 2010