نتایج جستجو

Cultivating Knowledge: Promoting Research to Enrich Everyday Practice
Scott Tunison (auth.), 2016
Multidisciplinary Research Perspectives in Education: Shared Experiences from Australia and China
Indika Liyanage, Badeng Nima (eds.), 2016
Transformative Doctoral Research Practices for Professionals
Pamela Burnard, Tatjana Dragovic, Julia Flutter, Julie Alderton (eds.), 2016
Publishing Higher Degree Research: Making the Transition from Student to Researcher
Janice Orrell, David D. Curtis (eds.), 2016
Proceedings of the 2nd International Colloquium of Art and Design Education Research (i-CADER 2015)
Shahriman Zainal Abidin, Rafeah Legino, Harrinni Md Noor, Verly Veto Vermol, Anwar Rusmadiah, Muhamad Fairus Kamaruzaman (eds.), 2016
Science Education Research and Practice in Asia: Challenges and Opportunities
Mei-Hung Chiu (eds.), 2016
Intervention Research: A Practical Guide for Developing Evidence-based School Prevention Programmes
Nyanda McBride (auth.), 2016
Medicinal Plants - Recent Advances in Research and Development
Hsin-Sheng Tsay, Lie-Fen Shyur, Dinesh Chandra Agrawal, Yang-Chang Wu, Sheng-Yang Wang (eds.), 2016
Pediatric Biomedical Informatics: Computer Applications in Pediatric Research
John J. Hutton (eds.), 2016
China’s Macroeconomic Outlook : Quarterly Forecast and Analysis Report, February 2016
Center for Macroeconomic Research of Xiamen University (auth.), 2016
Stimulating Student Interest in Language Learning: Theory, Research and Practice
Tan Bee Tin (auth.), 2016
The Impact and Future of Arts and Humanities Research
Paul Benneworth, Magnus Gulbrandsen, Ellen Hazelkorn (auth.), 2016
Theory, Research and Pedagogy in Learning and Teaching Japanese Grammar
Alessandro G. Benati, Sayoko Yamashita (eds.), 2016
Rethinking Community Research: Inter-relationality, Communal Being and Commonality
David Studdert, Valerie Walkerdine (auth.), 2016
Civic Engagement and Community Service at Research Universities: Engaging Undergraduates for Social Justice, Social Change and Responsible Citizenship
Krista M. Soria, Tania D. Mitchell (eds.), 2016
Young People Transitioning from Out-of-Home Care: International Research, Policy and Practice
Philip Mendes, Pamela Snow (eds.), 2016
Discourse Analysis as Social Critique: Discursive and Non-Discursive Realities in Critical Social Research
Benno Herzog (auth.), 2016
Embodied Philosophy in Dance: Gaga and Ohad Naharin's Movement Research
Einav Katan (auth.), 2016
Intermedial Praxis and Practice as Research: 'Doing-Thinking' in Practice
Joanne Scott (auth.), 2016
Ethical Decision-Making in Social Research: A Practical Guide
Ron Iphofen (auth.), 2011
Language Learning and Study Abroad: A Critical Reading of Research
Celeste Kinginger (auth.), 2009
Europeanization: New Research Agendas
Paolo Graziano, Maarten P. Vink (eds.), 2008
Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice in Educational Research: Methods at the Margins
Rachelle Winkle-Wagner, Cheryl A. Hunter, Debora Hinderliter Ortloff (eds.), 2009
Interviewing for Education and Social Science Research: The Gateway Approach
Carolyn Lunsford Mears (auth.), 2009