نتایج جستجو

Sartre, Foucault, and Historical Reason, Volume Two: A Poststructuralist Mapping of History
Foucault, Michel; Flynn, Thomas R.; Sartre, Jean-Paul, 2005
The Physiology of New York Boarding-Houses
Thomas Butler Gunn, David Faflik, 2008
Analysen des transnationalen Terrorismus: Soziologische Perspektiven
Dr. Thomas Kron, Melanie Reddig (auth.), 2007
Modern Mathematical Methods in Technology: v. 2
S. Fenyo, Thomas Frey, 1975
Modern Mathematical Methods in Technology: v. 2
S. Fenyo, Thomas Frey, 1975
Modern Surface Technology
Friedrich-Wilhelm Bach, Andreas Laarmann, Thomas Wenz, 2006
Modernity and Technology
Thomas J. Misa, Philip Brey, Andrew Feenberg, 2003
Modernity and Technology
Thomas J. Misa, 2003
Modernity and Technology
Thomas J. Misa, Philip Brey, Andrew Feenberg, 2003
Modernity and technology
Brey, Philip; Misa, Thomas J.; Feenberg, Andrew, 2003
Surgery, Science and Industry: A Revolution in Fracture Care, 1950s–1990s
Thomas Schlich (auth.), 2002
The environment, our Natural Resources, and Modern Technology
Thomas R. DeGregori, 2002
The Malthusian Moment: Global Population Growth and the Birth of American Environmentalism
Thomas Robertson, 2012
Image Processing using Pulse-Coupled Neural Networks: Applications in Python
Thomas Lindblad, Jason M. Kinser (auth.), 2013
Analysis of Oceanic Waters and Sediments
Crompton, Thomas Roy, 2016
Advances in Dynamic Game Theory: Numerical Methods, Algorithms, and Applications to Ecology and Economics
Pierre Cardaliaguet, Marc Quincampoix, Patrick Saint-Pierre (auth.), Steffen Jørgensen, Marc Quincampoix, Thomas L. Vincent (eds.), 2007
Advances in Dynamic Game Theory: Numerical Methods, Algorithms, and Applications to Ecology and Economics (Annals of the International Society of Dynamic Games)
Steffen Jorgensen, Marc Quincampoix, Thomas L. Vincent, 2007
History of Nordic Computing 2: Second IFIP WG 9.7 Conference, HiNC2, Turku, Finland, August 21-23, 2007, Revised Selected Papers
Thomas J. Misa (auth.), John Impagliazzo, Timo Järvi, Petri Paju (eds.), 2009
Image and Video Technology: 7th Pacific-Rim Symposium, PSIVT 2015, Auckland, New Zealand, November 25-27, 2015, Revised Selected Papers
Thomas Bräunl, Brendan McCane, Mariano Rivera, Xinguo Yu (eds.), 2016
Persuasive Technology: Second International Conference on Persuasive Technology, PERSUASIVE 2007, Palo Alto, CA, USA, April 26-27, 2007, Revised Selected Papers
Timothy Bickmore, Daniel Mauer, Francisco Crespo, Thomas Brown (auth.), Yvonne de Kort, Wijnand IJsselsteijn, Cees Midden, Berry Eggen, B. J. Fogg (eds.), 2007
Persuasive Technology: Second International Conference on Persuasive Technology, PERSUASIVE 2007, Palo Alto, CA, USA, April 26-27, 2007, Revised Selected Papers
Timothy Bickmore, Daniel Mauer, Francisco Crespo, Thomas Brown (auth.), Yvonne de Kort, Wijnand IJsselsteijn, Cees Midden, Berry Eggen, B. J. Fogg (eds.), 2007