نتایج جستجو

Bayesian Inference in Statistical Analysis (Wiley Classics Library)
George E. P. Box, George C. Tiao, 1973
Linear Operators, Part I: General Theory (Wiley Classics Library)
Nelson Dunford, Jacob T. Schwartz, 1988
Airport Terminals (Butterworth Architecture Library of Planning and Design)
Christopher J. Blow, 1996
Blueprint for Your Library Marketing Plan: A Guide to Help You Survive And Thrive
Patricia H. Fisher, Marseille M. Pride, Ellen G. Miller, 2009
Digestive Disease in the Dog and Cat (Library Vet Practice)
James W. Simpson, Roderick W. Else, 1991
Drug Abuse (Library in a Book)
Harry Henderson, 2004
The Continuity of Madhyamaka and Yogacara in Indian Mahayana Buddhism (Brill's Indological Library)
Ian Charles Harris, 1991
Aristotle: Politics (Loeb Classical Library No. 264)
Aristotle, 1932
A History of Philosophy - Ockham to the Speculative Mystics (Christian Library)
Copleston, Frederick
A Materialist Theory of the Mind (International Library of Philosophy)
D.M. Armstrong, 1993
Critical Chain Project Management (Artech House Professional Development Library)
Lawrence P. Leach, 2000
Discourse, Power and Justice (International Library of Sociology)
Michael Adler, 1994
Dominant Ideologies (RLE Social Theory) (Routledge Library Editions: Social Theory)
Bryan S. Turner, Nicholas Abercrombie, Stephen Hill, 2014
Gender Transformations (International Library of Sociology)
Sylvia Walby, 1997
Armenian: Modern Eastern Armenian (London Oriental and African Language Library, V. 14)
Jasmine Dum-Tragut, 2009