نتایج جستجو

A Física da Alma
Amit Goswami, 2015
Advances in Computer Methods and Geomechanics: IACMAG Symposium 2019: IACMAG Symposium 2019 Volume 1
Amit Prashant (editor), Ajanta Sachan (editor), Chandrakant S. Desai (editor), 2020
Advances in Computer Methods and Geomechanics: IACMAG Symposium 2019: IACMAG Symposium 2019 Volume 2
Amit Prashant (editor), Ajanta Sachan (editor), Chandrakant S. Desai (editor), 2020
Elements of Programming Interviews: The Insiders' Guide
Adnan Aziz; Tsung-Hsien Lee; Amit Prakash, 2018
Advances in Computer Methods and Geomechanics: IACMAG Symposium 2019 Volume 1 (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering)
Amit Prashant (editor), Ajanta Sachan (editor), Chandrakant S. Desai (editor), 2020
Advances in Computer Methods and Geomechanics: IACMAG Symposium 2019 Volume 2
Amit Prashant, 2019
Emerging Trends in Terahertz Solid-State Physics and Devices: Sources, Detectors, Advanced Materials, and Light-matter Interactions
Arindam Biswas (editor), Amit Banerjee (editor), Aritra Acharyya (editor), Hiroshi Inokawa (editor), Jintendra Nath Roy (editor), 2020
Financial Engineering for Low-Income Households
Bindu Ananth; Amit Shah, 2013
Science and Practice of Pressure Ulcer Management
Marco Romanelli; Michael Clark; Amit Gefen; Guido Ciprandi, 2018
Dermatology Atlas for Skin of Color
Diane Jackson-Richards; Amit G. Pandya, 2014
Handbook of Mental Health and Aging
Nathan Hantke (editor), Amit Etkin (editor), Ruth O'Hara (editor), 2020
Programming and problem solving with Python
Ashok Namdev Kamthane, Amit Ashok Kamthane, 2018
Textbook of Endodontics
Nisha Garg, Amit Garg, 2014
Textbook of Preclinical Conservative Dentistry
Garg Amit Garg Nisha;, 2017
Pacing Mobilities: Timing, Intensity, Tempo and Duration of Human Movements
Vered Amit (editor), Noel B. Salazar (editor), 2020
Molecular Genetics of Axial Patterning, Growth and Disease in Drosophila Eye
Amit Singh; Madhuri Kango-Singh, 2020
Mapping Populism: Approaches and Methods
Amit Ron (editor), Majia Nadesan (editor), 2020
Digital Supply Networks: Transform Your Supply Chain and Gain Competitive Advantage with Disruptive Technology and Reimagined Processes
Amit Sinha, Ednilson Bernardes, Rafael Calderon, Thorsten Wuest, 2020
Northeast India: A Place of Relations
Yasmin Saikia (editor), Amit R. Baishya (editor), 2017
Novel Coronavirus 2019: In-silico Vaccine Design and Drug Discovery
Amit Kumar, 2021
Additive Manufacturing, Second Edition
Amit Bandyopadhyay (Editor); Susmita Bose (Editor), 2019
A textbook of Differential Calculus
Amit M Agarwal
A textbook of Integral Calculus
Amit M Agarwal