نتایج جستجو

Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery: 9th International Conference, DaWaK 2007, Regensburg Germany, September 3-7, 2007. Proceedings
Todd Eavis, David Cueva (auth.), Il Yeal Song, Johann Eder, Tho Manh Nguyen (eds.), 2007
Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery: 9th International Conference, DaWaK 2007, Regensburg Germany, September 3-7, 2007. Proceedings
Todd Eavis, David Cueva (auth.), Il Yeal Song, Johann Eder, Tho Manh Nguyen (eds.), 2007
Centrifugal Pumps
Johann Friedrich Gülich (auth.), 2010
Centrifugal pumps
Johann F Gülich, 2008
Centrifugal Pumps
Dr.-Ing. Johann Friedrich Gülich (auth.), 2008
Centrifugal Pumps
Johann Friedrich Gülich (auth.), 2014
Basic Concepts in the Methodology of the Social Sciences (HSRC studies in research methodology)
Johann Mouton, H. C. Marais, 1990
Organic Synthesis Highlights
Johann Mulzer, Herbert Waldmann, 1998
Organic Synthesis Highlights III
Johann Mulzer, Herbert Waldmann, 2001
New Masters of Photoshop
Tim Bird, Michael Cina, Gavin Cromhout, Josh Fallon, Jens Magnus Karlsson, Derek Lea, Adrian Luna, Catherine McIntyre, Wojtek Madej, Jason Mohr, Eun-Ha Paek, Andrew Park, Paul Sinclair, Colin Smith, Yoshi Sodeoka, Peter Stanick, Johann Terrettaz, Norma V. Toraya, Michael Young (auth.), 2001
Operations Research Proceedings 2012: Selected Papers of the International Annual Conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR), Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany, September 5-7, 2012
Pascal Lutter (auth.), Stefan Helber, Michael Breitner, Daniel Rösch, Cornelia Schön, Johann-Matthias Graf von der Schulenburg, Philipp Sibbertsen, Marc Steinbach, Stefan Weber, Anja Wolter (eds.), 2014
Sancti Eusebii episcopi vercellensis Opera omnia
Bianchini, Giuseppe; Firmicus Maternus, Julius; Garbelli, Filippo; Saint Bp. of Brescia Philastrius; Fabricius, Johann Albert; Münter, Friedrich; Bèze, Théodore de; Saint Bishop of Vercelli Eusebius, 1845
Brennstoffzellen und Virtuelle Kraftwerke: Energie-, umwelt- und technologiepolitische Aspekte einer effizienten Hausenergieversorgung
Bert Droste-Franke, Holger Berg, Annette Kötter, Jörg Krüger, Karsten Mause, Johann-Christian Pielow, Ingo Romey, Thomas Ziesemer (auth.), Carl Friedrich Gethmann (eds.), 2009
Brennstoffzellen und Virtuelle Kraftwerke: Energie-, umwelt- und technologiepolitische Aspekte einer effizienten Hausenergieversorgung
Bert Droste-Franke, Holger Berg, Annette Kötter, Jörg Krüger, Karsten Mause, Johann-Christian Pielow, Ingo Romey, Thomas Ziesemer (auth.), Carl Friedrich Gethmann (eds.), 2009
VLSI-SoC: Technologies for Systems Integration: 17th IFIP WG 10.5/IEEE International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration, VLSI-SoC 2009, Florianópolis, Brazil, October 12-14, 2009, Revised Selected Papers
Ian O’Connor, Junchen Liu, Jabeur Kotb (auth.), Jürgen Becker, Marcelo Johann, Ricardo Reis (eds.), 2011
Analysis and Optimization of Prismatic and Axisymmetric Shell Structures: Theory, Practice and Software
Ernest Hinton BSc, MSc, PhD, SDc, CEng, MIStructE, MBCS, Johann Sienz BEng, DipI-Ing (FH), MSc, PhD, Dr-Phil (GB), CEng, MIMechE, Cmath, MIMA, Mustafa Özakça BSc, MSc, PhD (auth.), 2003
Business Process Management Workshops: BPM 2006 International Workshops, BPD, BPI, ENEI, GPWW, DPM, semantics4ws, Vienna, Austria, September 4-7, 2006. Proceedings
Tom Davenport, Selma Mansar, Hajo Reijers, Michael Rosemann (auth.), Johann Eder, Schahram Dustdar (eds.), 2006
Coaching: Die Führungskraft als Trainer
Angelika Hamann, Johann J. Huber (auth.), 2001
Johann Georg Hamann (Twayne's world authors series)
James C O'Flaherty, 1979
Johann Georg Hamann Philosophy and Faith
W. M. Alexander (auth.), 1966
Memorabili socratici
Johann Georg Hamann, 1999
Scritti sul linguaggio (1760-1773)
Johann G. Hamann, 1977