نتایج جستجو

A Distributed Coordination Approach to Reconfigurable Process Control
Nirav N. Chokshi PhD, Duncan C. McFarlane PhD (auth.), 2008
Biomedical Vibrational Spectroscopy
Peter Lasch PhD, Janina Kneipp PhD, 2008
Early Intervention for Reading Difficulties: The Interactive Strategies Approach (Solving Problems in the Teaching of Literacy)
DonnaM. Scanlon PhD, Kimberly L. Anderson PhD, Joan M. Sweeney, 2010
Teaching Nursing Care of Chronic Illness: A Storied Approach to Whole Person Care (Springer Series on the Teaching of Nursing)
Pamela Minden RNPhDCS, Colleen Gullickson RN PhD APNPBC, 2004
Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology in Liver Transplantation
G. Kazemier MD, J. F. Lange MD, PhD (auth.), E. Bücheler MD, V. Nicolas MD, C. E. Broelsch MD, FACS, X. Rogiers MD, G. Krupski MD, PhD (eds.), 2003
The Ergonomics of Computer Pointing Devices
Sarah A. Douglas AB, MS, PhD, Anant Kartik Mithal BTech, MS, PhD (auth.), 1997
A Biographical Dictionary of Actors, Volume 12, Pinner to Rizzo: Actresses, Musicians, Dancers, Managers, and Other Stage Personnel in London, 1660-1800 ... Dictionary of Actors & Actresses, 1660-1800)
Professor Philip H Highfill Jr PhD, Professor Kalman A Burnim PhD, Edward A. Langhans, 1987
Evaluation Methods in Biomedical Informatics
Charles P. Friedman PhD, Jeremy C. Wyatt MD (auth.), Kathryn J. Hannah PhD, RN, Marion J. Ball EdD (eds.), 2006
Acute Leukemias VII: Experimental Approaches and Novel Therapies
J. Thomale, M. R. Müller, C. Buschfort, S. Seeber, M. F. Rajewsky (auth.), Prof. Dr. W. Hiddemann, Prof. Dr. T. Büchner, Prof. Doz. Dr. B. Wörmann, Prof. Dr. J. Ritter, Prof. Doz. Dr. U. Creutzig, M. Keating MD PhD, W. Plunkett MD PhD (eds.), 1998
Stephen T. Holgate, MD, DSc, FRCP, FRCPath, FF Biol, F Med Sci, Martin K. Church, MPharm, PhD, DSc, and Lawrence M. Lichtenstein, MD, PhD (Eds.), 2006
Handbook of Competence and Motivation
Andrew J. Elliot PhD, Carol S. Dweck PhD, 2005
PID Control: New Identification and Design Methods
J. Crowe, K.K. Tan, T.H. Lee, R. Ferdous, M.R. Katebi, H.-P. Huang, J.-C. Jeng, K.S. Tang, G.R. Chen, K.F. Man, S. Kwong, A. Sánchez, Q.-G. Wang, Yong Zhang, Yu Zhang, P. Martin, M.J. Grimble, D.R. Greenwood (auth.), Michael A. Johnson PhD, Mohammad H. Moradi PhD (eds.), 2005
Antibiotic and Chemotherapy: Expert Consult, 9e
Roger G. Finch MB BSFRCPFRCP(Ed)FRCPathFFPM, David Greenwood BScPhDDScFRCPath, Richard J. Whitley MD, S. Ragnar Norrby MDPhDFRCP, 2010
Berne and Levy Physiology: with STUDENT CONSULT Online Access, 6e
Robert M. Berne MD, Matthew N. Levy MD, Bruce M. Koeppen MDPhD, Bruce A. Stanton PhD, 2008
Renal Physiology: Mosby Physiology Monograph Series
Bruce M. Koeppen MDPhD, Bruce A. Stanton PhD, 2012
Adaptive Control of Nonsmooth Dynamic Systems
Mattias Nordin, Per Bodin, Per-Olof Gutman (auth.), Gang Tao PhD, Frank L. Lewis PhD (eds.), 2001
Handbook of Applied Disability and Rehabilitation Research
Kristofer J. Hagglund PhDABPP, Allen W. Heinemann PhDABPP, 2006
Handbook of Applied Disability and Rehabilitation Research (Springer Series on Rehabilitation)
Kristofer J. Hagglund PhDABPP, Allen W. Heinemann PhDABPP, 2006
Color Atlas Of Diagnostic Microbiology
Luis M. De la Maza MDPhD, Marie T. Pezzlo MAF(AAM), Ellen Jo Baron PhDF(AAM), 1997
Helping Victims of Violent Crime
Diane L. Green PhD, Albert R. Roberts DSW, PhD, 2008
A Practical Guide to the Evaluation of Child Physical Abuse and Neglect
Angelo P. Giardino MD, PhD, MPH, Michelle A. Lyn MD, Eileen R. Giardino RN, PhD, FNP-BC (auth.), Angelo P. Giardino, Michelle A. Lyn, Eileen R. Giardino (eds.), 2009
Quadrupedal Locomotion: An Introduction to the Control of Four-legged Robots
Pablo Gonzalez de Santos PhD, Elena Garcia Dr. Eng, Joaquin Estremera PhD (auth.), 2006
Advances in Design
Gunnar Sohlenius, Leif Clausson, Ann Kjellberg (auth.), Hoda A. ElMaraghy BSc, MEng, PhD, PEng, FSME, FCSME, Waguih H. ElMaraghy BSc, MEng, PhD, PEng, FASME, FCSME (eds.), 2006
A Guided Tour of Relational Databases and Beyond
Mark Levene BSc, PhD, George Loizou BA, PhD (auth.), 1999