نتایج جستجو

Surveys in noncommutative geometry : proceedings of the Clay Mathematics Institute Instructional Symposium, held in conjunction with the AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference on Noncommutative Geometry, June 18-29, 2000, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA
Nigel Higson and John Roe, Nigel Higson, John Roe(eds.), 2006
2018 - Nelson’s Pediatric Antimicrobial Therapy
John S. Bradley, John D. Nelson (eds.), 2018
Collected Works of John Tate. Parts I and II: 1951-2006
John Tate; Barry Mazur, Jean-Pierre Serre (eds.), 2016
Collected Works of John Tate. Parts I and II: 1951-2006
John Tate; Barry Mazur, Jean-Pierre Serre (eds.), 2016
The Routledge Handbook of Critical Discourse Studies
John Flowerdew, John E. Richardson (eds.), 2017
Treating Tourette Syndrome and Tic Disorders: A Guide for Practitioners
Douglas W. Woods, John C. Piacentini, John T. Walkup (eds.), 2007
Treating Tourette Syndrome and Tic Disorders: A Guide for Practitioners
Douglas W. Woods, John C. Piacentini, John T. Walkup (eds.), 2007
Collected Works of John Tate. Parts I and II: 1951-2006
John Tate; Barry Mazur, Jean-Pierre Serre (eds.), 2016
Phosphates - Geochemical, Geobiological, and Materials Importance
Matthew J Kohn, John Rakovan, John M Hughes, Eds., 2002
Men and Institutions in American Mathematics
J. Dalton Tarwater, John T. White, John D. Miller (eds.), 1976
Cien años de la arqueología en la sierra de Ancash
Bebel Ibarra, Jhon Cruz, Aliz Ibarra (eds.); Aliz Ibarra, John Cruz, (trads.); Bebel Ibarra, Thomas Lynch, Michael Malpass, Gary Vescelius, Alberto Bueno Mendoza, Terence Grieder, John Rowe, Richard Burger, Kazuo Terada, Danièle Lavallée, Wendell Bennett, Richard Schaendel, Joan Gero, Donald Proulx, William Isbell, Hermann Buse, Hernán Amat, Manuel Reina, Augusto Soriano, Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo, Hermilio Rosas, Waldemar Espinoza (auts.), 2013
Positive Neuropsychology: Evidence-Based Perspectives on Promoting Cognitive Health
John J. Randolph PhD, ABPP (auth.), John J. Randolph (eds.), 2013
Pre-Columbian Foodways: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Food, Culture, and Markets in Ancient Mesoamerica
John E. Staller, Michael D. Carrasco (auth.), John Staller, Michael Carrasco (eds.), 2010