نتایج جستجو

The EBMT/EHA CAR-T Cell Handbook
Nicolaus Kröger (editor), John Gribben (editor), Christian Chabannon (editor), Ibrahim Yakoub-Agha (editor), Hermann Einsele (editor), 2022
Wise Practices: Exploring Indigenous Economic Justice and Self-Determination
Robert Hamilton (editor), John Borrows (editor), Brent Mainprize (editor), Ryan Beaton (editor), Joshua Ben David Nichols (editor), 2021
Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management: Conference on Declarative Programming, DECLARE 2019, Unifying INAP, WLP, and WFLP, Cottbus, Germany, ... (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12057)
Petra Hofstedt (editor), Salvador Abreu (editor), Ulrich John (editor), Herbert Kuchen (editor), Dietmar Seipel (editor), 2020
COVID-19 Pandemic, Crisis Responses and the Changing World: Perspectives in Humanities and Social Sciences
Simon X.B. Zhao (editor), Johnston H.C. Wong (editor), Charles Lowe (editor), Edoardo Monaco (editor), John Corbett (editor), 2021
Principles of Bone Biology
John Bilezikian (editor), T. John Martin (editor), Thomas L. Clemens (editor), Clifford J. Rosen (editor), 2019
African-American English : structure, history, and use
Salikoko S. Mufwene (editor); Guy Bailey (editor); John Baugh (editor); John R. Rickford (editor), 2022
Conclusion - The Closing Essay of Walter Pater’s ’The Renaissance’
Walter Pater; Roy Waidler, editor, 2019
Visions of Community in the Post-Roman World: The West, Byzantium and the Islamic World, 300–1100
Walter Pohl (editor), Clemens Gantner (editor), Richard Payne (editor), 2012
Meaningful Absence Across Arts and Media: The Significance of Missing Signifiers
Werner Wolf (editor), Nassim Balestrini (editor), Walter Bernhart (editor), 2019
La crisi delle scienze europee e la fenomenologia trascendentale. Introduzione alla filosofia fenomenologica
Edmund Husserl, Walter Biemel (editor), Enzo Paci (editor), Enrico Filippini (editor), 1972
Vozes tradutórias : 20 anos de Cadernos de tradução
Walter Carlos Costa (editor); Andréia Guerini (editor); Marie-Hélène Catherine Torres (editor), 2015
Greek papyri in the British Museum : catalogue, with texts. Vol. IV, The Aphrodito papyri
British museum (Londres). (editor); Harold Idris Bell (editor); Walter Ewing Crum (editor), 1910
Perceptions of marginality : theoretical issues and regional perceptions of marginality in geographical space
Roser Majoral i Moliné (editor); Heikki Jussila (editor); Walter Leimgruber (editor), 2018
Klinikhandbuch labordiagnostische Pfade Einführung - Screening - Stufendiagnostik
Johannes Aufenanger (editor); Georg Hoffmann (editor); Walter Hofmann (editor), 2014
Antike Erzähl- und Deutungsmuster: Zwischen Exemplarität und Transformation
Simone Finkmann (editor), Anja Behrendt (editor), Anke Walter (editor), 2018
Jüdische Existenz in der Moderne: Abraham Geiger und die Wissenschaft des Judentums
Christian Wiese (editor), Walter Homolka (editor), Thomas Brechenmacher (editor), 2017
Theologische Enzyklopädie: (1831/32). Nachschrift David Friedrich Strauß
Friedrich Schleiermacher (editor); Walter Sachs (editor); Hans-Joachim Birkner (editor), 1987
Unfallheilkunde für die Praxis: Vormals Ehalt “Unfallpraxis”
Gustav H. Engelhardt (editor); Walter Ehalt (editor); P. Brüser (editor), 1984
Aníbal Quijano: Foundational Essays on the Coloniality of Power
Aníbal Quijano, Walter D. Mignolo (editor), Rita Segato (editor), Catherine E. Walsh (editor), 2024
Pattern Recognition: 27th DAGM Symposium, Vienna, Austria, August 31 - September 2, 2005, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3663)
Walter Kropatsch (editor), Robert Sablatnig (editor), Allan Hanbury (editor), 2005
Statistics Today: Everyday Applications, Research Questions, Insights, and Challenges (Society, Environment and Statistics)
Claus Weihs (editor), Walter Krämer (editor), Sarah Buschfeld (editor), 2024
Statistics Today: Everyday Applications, Research Questions, Insights, and Challenges (Society, Environment and Statistics)
Claus Weihs (editor), Walter Krämer (editor), Sarah Buschfeld (editor), 2024
Statistics Today: Everyday Applications, Research Questions, Insights, and Challenges (Society, Environment and Statistics)
Claus Weihs (editor), Walter Krämer (editor), Sarah Buschfeld (editor), 2024
Grzimek Animal Life Encyclopedia Volume 8 Birds I
Jerome A. Jackson, Advisory Editor, Walter J. Bock, Taxonomic Editor, Donna Olendorf, Project Editor, 2003