نتایج جستجو

Perfect Phrases for Writing Company Announcements: Hundreds of Ready-to-Use Phrases for Powerful Internal and External Communications (Perfect Phrases Series)
Harriet Diamond, Linda Eve Diamond, 2010
Case Studies in Bayesian Statistics: Volume IV
Linda A. Clark, William S. Cleveland, Lorraine Denby, Chuanhai Liu (auth.), Constantine Gatsonis, Robert E. Kass, Bradley Carlin, Alicia Carriquiry, Andrew Gelman, Isabella Verdinelli, Mike West (eds.), 1999
For King & Country
Robert Asprin, Linda Evans, 2002
For King & Country
Robert Asprin, Linda Evans
Preparing Principals for a Changing World: Lessons from Effective School Leadership Programs
Linda Darling?Hammond, Debra Meyerson, Michelle LaPointe, Margaret Terry Orr, Margaret Barber, Carol Cohen, Kimberly Dailey, Stephen Davis, Joseph Flessa, Joseph Murphy, Raymond Pecheone, Naida Tushnet(auth.), 2009
Adult Obesity: A Paediatric Challenge (Frontiers in Life Science)
Linda Voss, Terry Wilkin, 2003
Career GPS: Strategies for Women Navigating the New Corporate Landscape
Ella L. J.Edmondson Bell, Linda Villarosa, 2010
How To Write And Sell Great Short Stories
Linda M. James, 2011
The Hakka cookbook : Chinese soul food from around the world
Linda Lau Anusasananan, Alan Chong Lau, Martin Yan, 2012
The Hakka Cookbook: Chinese Soul Food from around the World
Linda Lau Anusasananan, Alan Chong Lau, Martin Yan, 2012
A Girl's Childhood: Psychological Development, Social Change, and The Yale Child Study Center
Dr. Linda C. Mayes, Stephen Lassonde, Deborah Weinstein, 2014
A Girl's Childhood: Psychological Development, Social Change, and The Yale Child Study Center
Linda C. Mayes, Stephen Lassonde, Deborah Weinstein, 2014
Driving Career Results: How to Manage Self-Directed Employee Development
Linda Brenner, 2016
Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing; Twenty-Fourth Informational Supplement
Jean B. Patel, PhD, D(ABMM) Franklin R. Cockerill III, MD Jeff Alder, PhD Patricia A. Bradford, PhD George M. Eliopoulos, MD Dwight J. Hardy, PhD Janet A. Hindler, MCLS, MT(ASCP) Stephen G. Jenkins, PhD, D(ABMM), F(AAM) James S. Lewis II, PharmD Linda A. Miller, PhD Mair Powell, MD, FRCP, FRCPath Jana M. Swenson, MMSc Maria M. Traczewski, BS, MT(ASCP) John D. Turnidge, MD Melvin P. Weinstein, MD Barbara L. Zimmer, PhD, 2014
Civil Procedure & Litigation: A Practical Approach
Jack S.(Jack S. EmeryJ.D.) Emery, Linda L. Edwards, J. Stanley Edwards, 2000
Civil Procedure & Litigation: A Practical Approach (Paralegal)
Jack S. Emery, Linda L. Edwards, J. Stanley Edwards, 2000
Frommer's Nashville & Memphis
Linda Romine, 2012
Frommer's Nashville & Memphis (2004) (Frommer's Complete)
Linda Romine, 2004
A Historical Guide to Ernest Hemingway
Linda Wagner-Martin, 2000
A History of American Literature: 1950 to the Present
Linda Wagner?Martin(auth.), Alfred Bendixen, Richard Gray(eds.), 2012
A History of American Literature: 1950 to the Present
Linda Wagner-Martin, 2013
A History of American Literature: 1950 to the Present
Linda Wagner-Martin, 2013
Mathematical and Algorithmic Foundations of the Internet
Fabrizio Luccio, Linda Pagli, Graham Steel, 2011
Mathematical and Algorithmic Foundations of the Internet (Chapman & Hall CRC Applied Algorithms and Data Structures series)
Fabrizio Luccio, Linda Pagli, Graham Steel, 2011