نتایج جستجو

Frantz Fanon’s ’Black Skin, White Masks’: New Interdisciplinary Essays
Max Silverman, (Ed.), 2013
An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography Solution Manual
Jeffrey Hoffstein, Jill Pipher, Joseph H. Silverman, 2008
Interreligious/Interfaith Studies: Defining a New Field
Eboo Patel; Jennifer Howe Peace; Noah J. Silverman, 2018
Openstack for Architects
Michael Solberg, Ben Silverman, 2017
Doing Qualitative Research
David Silverman, 2018
Instant Raspberry Pi Gaming
Shea Silverman, 2013
Proposals That Work: A Guide for Planning Dissertations and Grant Proposals
Lawrence F. Locke, Waneen W. Spirduso, Stephen J. Silverman, 2007
Yoga Twists and Turns 50 Sequences to Take Your Practice to the Next Level
Emma Silverman, 2017
Interpreting Qualitative Data
Silverman, David, 2014
The World Is a Text: Writing about Visual and Popular Culture: Updated Compact Edition
Jonathan Silverman; Dean Rader, 2018
Fetal Cardiology: Embryology, Genetics, Physiology, Echocardiographic Evaluation, Diagnosis, and Perinatal Management of Cardiac Diseases
Simcha Yagel (Editor), Norman H. Silverman (Editor), Ulrich Gembruch (Editor), 2018
Network Medicine: Complex Systems in Human Disease and Therapeutics
Joseph Loscalzo, Albert-László Barabási, Edwin K. Silverman (eds.), 2017
Qualitative Methodology and Sociology: Describing the Social World
David Silverman, 1985
Density estimation for statistics and data analysis
Silverman, B. W, 2018
Nine Choices: Johnny Cash and American Culture
Jonathan Silverman, 2010
Concentrationary Imaginaries: Tracing Totalitarian Violence in Popular Culture
Griselda Pollock, Max Silverman, 2015
Cognitive Science: An Introduction to the Study of Mind
Jay Friedenberg, Gordon Silverman, 2012
Cognitive Science: An Introduction to the Study of Mind
Jay Daniels Friedenberg; Gordon Silverman, 2011
Reading and Understanding Research
Lawrence F. Locke; Stephen Silverman; Waneen Wyrick Spirduso, 2009
Instruments and the Imagination
Thomas L. Hankins; Robert J. Silverman, 1995
Artistic citizenship: artistry, social responsibility, and ethical praxis
Bowman, Wayne D.; Elliott, David James; Silverman, Marissa, 2016
Fetal cardiology: embryology, genetics, physiology, echocardiographic evaluation, diagnosis, and perinatal management of cardiac diseases
Gembruch, Ulrich; Silverman, Norman H.; Yagel, Simcha, 2019