نتایج جستجو

Media violence and its effect on aggression : assessing the scientific evidence
Jonathan L. Freedman, 2013
Report on the Iban
Derek Freedman, 2021
Strategy: A History
Lawrence Freedman, 2013
Daniel Z. Freedman, Professor Antoine Van Proeyen, 2012
Liberalism in Neoliberal Times: Dimensions, Contradictions, Limits (Goldsmiths Press)
Alejandro Abraham-Hamanoiel (editor), Des Freedman (editor), Gholam Khiabany (editor), Kate Nash (editor), Julian Petley (editor), 2017
Marx on Economics
Robert Freedman, 1961
The Freedman in the Roman World
Professor Henrik Mouritsen, 2011
Artificial Intelligence and Playable Media
Eric Freedman, 2022
Gender-Based Violence in Migration Interdisciplinary, Feminist and Intersectional Approaches
Jane Freedman, Nina Sahraoui, Evangelia Tastsoglou, 2022
The Revolution in Strategic Affairs
Lawrence Freedman, 2023
Career opportunities in biotechnology and drug development
Freedman, Toby, 2008
Daniel Z. Freedman, Antoine Van Proeyen, 2012
The Establishment of the Environmental Protection Agency
Jeri Freedman, 2017
Work Strife Balance
Mia Freedman, 2017
‘You’ and ‘Thou’ in Shakespeare: A Practical Guide for Actors, Directors, Students and Teachers
Penelope Freedman, 2021
Fergie : My Life from the Cubs to Cooperstown
Fergie Jenkins; Lew Freedman; Billy Williams, 2009
The Vienna Summit and Its Importance in International History
Günter Bischof; Sir Lawrence Freedman; Stefan Karner; Barbara Stelzl-Marx; Richard D. Williamson; Anne Deighton; Georges-Henri Soutou; Vladimir Pechatnov; Ol’ga Pavlenko; Michail Prozumenshchikov, 2013
The Contradictions of Media Power
Des Freedman, 2014
Lineage Organisation in South-Eastern China
Maurice Freedman, 2021
A passion for the possible : thinking with Paul Ricoeur
Ricœur, Paul; Venema, Henry Isaac; Ricœur, Paul; Treanor, Brian, 2010
Paul Simon - Transcribed (Paul Simon Simon & Garfunkel)
Paul Simon, 1993
L’Évangile de Paul : guide de lecture des épîtres de saint Paul
(saint ; Paul; Burnet, Régis, 2009