نتایج جستجو

Bildung und Erziehung in Übergangsgesellschaften: Beiträge zum 17. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft
Prof. Dr. Gerd Lüer (auth.), Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Frank Achtenhagen, Prof. Dr. Ingrid Gogolin (eds.), 2002
Datenreport Erziehungswissenschaft 2: Erganzende Analysen
Horst Weishaupt (auth.), Prof. Dr. Hans Merkens, Prof. Dr. Thomas Rauschenbach, Prof. Dr. Horst Weishaupt (eds.), 2002
Mercury Emission and its Control in Chinese Coal-Fired Power Plants
Prof. Jinsong Zhou, Prof. Zhongyang Luo, Dr. Yanqun Zhu, Prof. Mengxiang Fang (auth.), 2013
Logic Synthesis for Asynchronous Controllers and Interfaces
Prof. J. Cortadella, Dr. M. Kishinevsky, Dr. A. Kondratyev, Prof. L. Lavagno, Prof. A. Yakovlev (auth.), 2002
Axonal Branching and Recovery of Coordinated Muscle Activity after Transection of the Facial Nerve in Adult Rats
Prof. Dr. Doychin N. Angelov, Prof. Dr. Wolfram F. Neiss, Dr. Orlando Guntinas-Lichius, Prof. Dr. Michael Streppel, Dr. Konstantin Wewetzer (auth.), 2005
Einführung in die Medizinische Statistik
Prof. Dr. Ralf-Dieter Hilgers, Prof. Dr. Peter Bauer, Prof. Dr. Victor Scheiber (auth.), 2003
Collaborative Customer Relationship Management: Taking CRM to the Next Level
Alexander H. Kracklauer, D. Quinn Mills, Dirk Seifert (auth.), Prof. Dr. Alexander H. Kracklauer, Prof. D. Quinn Mills, Prof. Dr. Dirk Seifert (eds.), 2004
Myocardial Ischemia and Arrhythmia: Under the auspices of the Society of Cooperation in Medicine and Science (SCMS), Freiburg, Germany
Prof. Dr. med. J. Holtz, M. Koban (auth.), PD Dr. M. Zehender, Prof. Dr. T. Meinertz, Prof. Dr. H. Just (eds.), 1994
DGOR: Papers of the 10th Annual Meeting/Vorträge der 10. Jahrestagung
Volkmar Steinecke (auth.), Prof. Dr. Bernhard Fleischmann, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Bloech, Prof. Dr. Günter Fandel, Dipl.-Math. Olaf Seifert, Dr. Heinz Weber (eds.), 1982
DGOR: Papers of the Annual Meeting/Vorträge der Jahrestagung
W. Trux (auth.), Prof. Dr. Günter Fandel, Dr. Dietrich Fischer, Prof. Dr. Hans-Christian Pfohl, Dipl.-Math. Karl-Peter Schuster, Prof. Dr. Jochen Schwarze (eds.), 1981
DNA Replication and the Cell Cycle: Colloquium der Gesellschaft für Biologische Chemie, 9.–11. April 1992 in Mosbach/Baden
R. Knippers, J. Ruff (auth.), Prof.Dr. Ellen Fanning, Prof.Dr.med. Rolf Knippers, Prof.Dr. Ernst-L. Winnacker (eds.), 1993
Essays on Production Theory and Planning
Joachim Reese (auth.), Prof. Dr. Günter Fandel, Prof. Dr. Harald Dyckhoff, Prof. Dr. Joachim Reese (eds.), 1988
Earthquake Early Warning Systems
Hiroo Kanamori (auth.), Prof. Paolo Gasparini, Prof. Gaetano Manfredi, Prof. Dr. Jochen Zschau (eds.), 2007
Earthquake Processes: Physical Modelling, Numerical Simulation and Data Analysis Part I
Mitsuhiro Matsu’ura, Peter Mora, Andrea Donnellan, Xiang-Chu Yin (auth.), Prof. Mitsuhiro Matsu’ura, Prof. Peter Mora, Andrea Donnellan, Prof. Xiang-chu Yin (eds.), 2002
Earthquake Processes: Physical Modelling, Numerical Simulation and Data Analysis Part II
Mitsuhiro Matsu’ura, Peter Mora, Andrea Donnellan, Xiang-Chu Yin (auth.), Prof. Mitsuhiro Matsu’ura, Prof. Peter Mora, Andrea Donnellan, Prof. Xiang-chu Yin (eds.), 2002
Coronal Seismology: Waves and Oscillations in Stellar Coronae
Prof. Alexander V. Stepanov, Prof. Valery V. Zaitsev, Prof. Valery M. Nakariakov(auth.), 2012
Adenine Nucleotides in Cellular Energy Transfer and Signal Transduction
Rodney J. Devenish, Maria Galanis, Theo Papakonstantinou, Ruby H. P. Law (auth.), Prof. Dr. Sergio Papa, Prof. Dr. Angelo Azzi, Prof. Dr. Joseph M. Tager (eds.), 1992
Handbuch Altenbildung: Theorien und Konzepte für Gegenwart und Zukunft
Klaus Wallraven, Susanne Becker, Ludger Veelken (auth.), Prof. Dr. Susanne Becker, Prof. Dr. Ludger Veelken, Prof. Dr. Klaus Peter Wallraven (eds.), 2000
Klinische Geriatrie
J.-C. Jüchtern, H. Brandenburg (auth.), Prof. Dr. med. Thorsten Nikolaus, Dr. med. Clemens Becker, Prof. Dr. med. Peter Oster, Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. M.P.H., Dipl.-Soz.wiss. Ludger Pientka, Prof. Dr. med. Günter Schlierf, Dr. med. Wolfgang von Renteln-Kruse (eds.), 2000
Applied Structural Mechanics: Fundamentals of Elasticity, Load-Bearing Structures, Structural Optimization
Prof. Dr.-Ing. H. Eschenauer, Prof. Dr. techn. N. Olhoff, Prof. Dr. Dr.-Ing.E.h W. Schnell (auth.), 1997
Gynecology and Obstetrics Urology
P. S. Anastasio, C. Parisi, E. Cicinelli, S. Schonauer (auth.), Prof. Dr. Günther Schlag, Prof. Dr. D. Wallwiener, Prof. Dr. H. Melchior (eds.), 1994
Politisches Denken Jahrbuch 2001
Prof. Dr. Karl Graf Ballestrem, Prof. Dr. Volker Gerhardt, Prof. Dr. Henning Ottmann, Martyn P. Thompson (eds.), 2001
Politisches Denken: Jahrbuch 2003
Prof. Dr. Karl Graf Ballestrem, Prof. Dr. Volker Gerhardt, Prof. Dr. Henning Ottmann, Martyn P. Thompson (eds.), 2002
Weiterbildung Notfallmedizin: CME-Beiträge aus: Notall + Rettungsmedizin 2013–2014
Dr. Dr. B. Dirks, Prof. Dr. R. Somasundaram, Prof. Dr. C. Waydhas, Prof. Dr. U. Zeymer (eds.), 2015