نتایج جستجو

Neighbourhood and social networks in urban India
Andréa Menefee Singh, 1976
Urban Theory: A critical introduction to power, cities and urbanism in the 21st century
Alan Harding, Talja Blokland, 2014
Black Market Capital : Urban Politics and the Shadow Economy in Mexico City
Andrew Konove, 2018
Popular Housing and Urban Land Tenure in the Middle East: Case Studies from Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey
Myriam Ababsa, Baudouin Dupret, Eric Dennis, 2012
Building socialism: the afterlife of East German architecture in urban Vietnam
Christina Schwenkel, 2020
Building Socialism: The Afterlife of East German Architecture in Urban Vietnam
Christina Schwenkel, 2020
The Data Shake: Opportunities and Obstacles for Urban Policy Making
Grazia Concilio, Paola Pucci, Lieven Raes, Geert Mareels, 2021
The Data Shake: Opportunities and Obstacles for Urban Policy Making
Grazia Concilio, Paola Pucci, Lieven Raes, Geert Mareels, 2021
Class and Space: The making of urban society (RLE Social Theory)
Nigel Thrift, Peter Williams, 2015
Urban Economics and Real Estate Markets (Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts, 1990)
Denise DiPasquale, William C. Wheaton, 1995
The globally familiar : digital hip hop, masculinity, and urban space in Delhi
Ethiraj Gabriel Dattatreyan, 2020
Queer Sites: Gay Urban Histories Since 1600
David Higgs, 1999
Talent Management in Small and Medium Enterprises: Context, Practices and Outcomes
Aleksy Pocztowski, Urban Pauli, Alicja Miś, 2021
Urban Religion in Late Antiquity
Asuman Lätzer-Lasar; Emiliano Rubens Urciuoli, 2020
The Last Years of the Teutonic Knights
William Urban;, 2018
Colonial Urban Development: Culture, Social Power and Environment
Anthony D. King, 2007
The Narrative Turn in Urban Planning: Plotting the Helsinki Waterfront
Lieven Ameel, 2021
Cityscapes of the Future: Urban Spaces in Science Fiction
Yael Maurer Meyrav, Koren-Kuik, 2018