نتایج جستجو

The Bureaucratic
Crozier, Michel, 2017
Handbook of Mental Health in the Workplace
Jay C. Thomas (ed.), Michel Hersen (ed.), 2002
Le langage. Lectures d’Aristote
Leone Gazziero, Walter Leszl, Simon Noriega-Olmos, Luca Gili, Ana Maria Mora-Marquez, Michel Crubellier, Pierre Chiron, Andrea Falcon, Annick Jaulin, 2021
Morpho: Hands and Feet
Michel Lauricella, 2019
Morpho: Skeleton and Bone Reference Points
Michel Lauricella, 2019
Michel Foucault. Philosophie für Einsteiger
Ansgar Lorenz, Reiner Ruffing, 2012
Connecting Virtues: Advances in Ethics, Epistemology, and Political Philosophy
Michel Croce, Maria Silvia Vaccarezza, 2018
Prozac on the Couch: Prescribing Gender in the Era of Wonder Drugs
Jonathan Michel Metzl, 2003
Nascita della biopolitica. Corso al Collège de France (1978-1979)
Michel Foucault, 2007
The Cambridge Introduction to Literature and Psychoanalysis
Jean-Michel Rabate, 2014
Rated Agency: Investee Politics in a Speculative Age
Feher, Michel, 2018
Michel Foucault. Biografia
Didier Eribon, 2005
Speaking the Truth about Oneself: Lectures at Victoria University, Toronto, 1982 (The Chicago Foucault Project)
Michel Foucault, Henri-Paul Fruchaud (editor), Daniele Lorenzini (editor), 2021
Michel Henry’s Practical Philosophy
Jeffrey Hanson (editor), Brian Harding (editor), Michael R. Kelly (editor), 2022
War, Terror and Carriage by Sea
Keith Michel, 2004
Słowa i rzeczy. Archeologia nauk humanistycznych
Michel Foucault, 2006
Szaleństwo i literatura. Powiedziane, napisane
Michel Foucault, 1999
Trzeba bronić społeczeństwa. Wykłady w Collège de France, 1976
Michel Foucault, 1998
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Michel Soëtard; José Eustáquio Romão, Verone Lane Rodrigues Doliveira (Orgs.), 2010
Johann Pestalozzi
Michel Soëtard; João Luis Gasparin, Martha Aparecida Santana Marcondes (Orgs.), 2010
Relational Calculus for Actionable Knowledge
Michel Barès, Éloi Bossé, 2022
European Energy Studies Volume II: EU Energy Innovation Policy Towards 2050 (European Energy Studies series, 2)
Jean-Michel Glachant (editor), Nicole Ahner (editor), Leonardo Meuss (editor), 2013