نتایج جستجو

Argument & Inference: An Introduction to Inductive Logic
Gregory Johnson, 2016
The Sociology of Health, Healing, and Illness
Denise A. Copelton, Gregory L. Weiss, 2023
Closed Captioning : Subtitling, Stenography, and the Digital Convergence of Text with Television
Gregory J. Downey, 2008
Classics and Celtic Literary Modernism: Yeats, Joyce, MacDiarmid and Jones
Gregory Baker, 2022
The Presocratics and the Supernatural: Magic, Philosophy and Science in Early Greece
Andrew Gregory, 2013
Examining the South China Sea Disputes : Papers from the Fifth Annual CSIS South China Sea Conference
Murray Hiebert; Phuong Nguyen; Gregory B. Poling, 2015
Conversations on Fethullah Gülen and the Hizmet Movement: Dreaming for a Better World
Peter Barnes; Gregory Baum, 2015
The Gods of Diyala : Transfer of Command in Iraq
Caleb S. Cage; Gregory M. Tomlin, 2008
Socrate~ Ironie si filozofie morala
Gregory Vlastos, 2002
North Korean Nuclear Operationality : Regional Security and Nonproliferation
Gregory J. Moore; Graham T. Allison, 2014
Reinventing Rural : New Realities in an Urbanizing World
Gregory M. Fulkerson; Aimee Vieira; Alexander R. Thomas; Leanne M. Avery; Stephanie Bennett; Matthew Clement; Michael W. P. Fortunato; Carrie L. Kane; Laura McKinney; Gene L. Theodori, 2016
Approximation Theory XVI: Nashville, TN, USA, May 19-22, 2019 (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 336)
Gregory E. Fasshauer (editor), Marian Neamtu (editor), Larry L. Schumaker (editor), 2021
The Anglo-Afghan Wars 1839–1919
Gregory Fremont-Barnes, 2009
Chasing the Panther: Adventures and Misadventures of a Cinematic Life
Carolyn Pfeiffer, Gregory Collins, 2023
Gregorii Nazianzeni Opera: versio Armeniaca I: Orationes II, XII, IX
Saint Gregory (of Nazianzus), Gregorius Nazianzenus, B. Coulie (ed), 1994
Gregorii Nazianzeni Opera: versio Armeniaca I: Orationes II, XII, IX
Saint Gregory (of Nazianzus), Gregorius Nazianzenus, B. Coulie (ed), 1994
Gregorii Nazianzeni Versiones orientales, repertorium Ibericum et studia ad editiones curandas
Bernard Coulie, Gregorius Nazianzenus, Saint Gregory (of Nazianzus), 1988
The Central Asian States: Discovering Independence (Westview Series on the Post-Soviet Republics)
Gregory W. Gleason, 1997
Flood Gates : Holy Momentum for a Fearless Church
Sue Nilson Kibbey; Gregory V. Palmer, 2016
Linguistics for Singers: An Introduction
Gregory Camp, 2023
Desiring Bodies : Ovidian Romance and the Cult of Form
Gregory Heyworth, 2009
Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Computing, Communications, and Cyber-Security: IC4S 2022
Sudeep Tanwar, Slawomir T. Wierzchon, Pradeep Kumar Singh, Maria Ganzha, Gregory Epiphaniou, 2023
Aggiornamento? : Catholicism from Gregory XVI to Benedict XVI
Karim Schelkens; John A. Dick; Jürgen Mettepenningen, 2013