نتایج جستجو

Systems, Experts and Computers: The Systems Approach in Management and Engineering, World War II and After
Agatha C. Hughes (editor), Thomas P. Hughes (editor), 2000
Hydrology and water resource management : breakthroughs in research and practice
; Mehdi Khosrowpour (editor), 2018
Model Risk Management with SAS
SAS, 2020
Water management : social and technological perspectives
Thokozani Majozi (editor); Iqbal M. Mujtaba (editor), 2019
Balance Dysfunction in Parkinson’s Disease: Basic Mechanisms to Clinical Management
Martina Mancini, John G. Nutt, Fay B. Horak, 2019
Handbook of 3D Integration Vol. 4: Design, Test, and Thermal Management.
Peter Ramm (editor); Muhannad S. Bakir (editor); Paul D. Franzon (editor); Philip Garrou (editor); Mitsumasa Koyanagi (editor); Eric J. Marinissen (editor), 2019
ORAL HEALTHCARE AND TECHNOLOGIES : breakthroughs in research and practice.
Management Fundamentals
Steven Cohen, 2020
Project and program management a competency-based approach
Mitchell L. Springer, 2019
Baran and Dawber's Diseases of the Nails and their Management
Robert Baran; David A. R. de Berker; Mark Holzberg; Bianca Maria Piraccini; Bertrand Richert; Luc Thomas, 2019
An Evidence-Based Approach to the Management of Nasopharyngeal Cancer: From Basic Science to Clinical Presentation and Treatment
Baharudin Abdullah (editor), Anusha Balasubramanian (editor), Norhafiza Mat Lazim (editor), 2020
Applied Geology: Approaches to Future Resource Management
Marina De Maio (editor), Ashwani Kumar Tiwari (editor), 2020
Management : les idées les plus simples sont souvent les meilleures
Bernard Bourigeaud, Jacques Brun, 2016
The great barrier reef : biology, environment and management
Ove Hoegh-Guldberg (editor); Pat Hutchings (editor); Michael Kingsford (editor), 2019
Modern management ; concepts and skills
Samuel C. Certo; S Trevis Certo, 2016
Vulnerability Management,
Park Foreman, 2019
Configuration management : theory, practice, and application
Kim L. Robertson; Jon M. Quigley, 2019
Fundamentals of Management
Ricky Griffin, 2015
Atlas of Management Thinking
Edward De Bono, 1981