نتایج جستجو

Psychologie et management
Estelle-M Morin, Caroline Aube, Kevin J. Johnson, 2015
Fondements du management contemporain
Gareth R. Jones, Jennifer George, Jane Haddad, Michael Rock, 2016
Strategic information management : theory and practice
Boyka Simeonova (editor); Robert Galliers (editor); Dorothy E. Leidner (editor), 2020
Event Management for Tourism, Cultural, Business, and Sporting Events
Lynn van der Wagen; Brenda R. Carlos, 2020
Game Theory for Security and Risk Management: From Theory to Practice (Static & Dynamic Game Theory: Foundations & Applications)
Stefan Rass (editor), Stefan Schauer (editor), 2018
Risk Measurement: From Quantitative Measures to Management Decisions
Dominique Guégan, Bertrand K. Hassani, 2019
Drug-induced diseases : prevention, detection, and management
James E. Tisdale (editor); Douglas A. Miller (editor), 2018
Management ; A Practical Introduction 9e
Angelo Kinicki, Brian Williams, 2019
QGIS for Hydrological Applications : recipes for catchment hydrology and water management
Hans van der Kwast; Kurt Menke; Gary E Sherman, 2019
Human Capital Management: Leveraging Your Workforce for a Competitive Advantage
Mark Salsbury, 2013
Financial management for decision makers
Peter Atrill, 2020
Management & cost accounting
Alnoor Bhimani; Charles T. Horngren; Srikant M. Datar; Madhav V. Rajan, 2019
Strategic management : text & cases
Gregory G. Dess; Gerry McNamara; Seung-Hyun Lee; Alan B. Eisner, 2019
The Taxable Investor's Manifesto: Wealth Management Strategies to Last a Lifetime
Stuart E. Lucas, 2020
Human resource management
Gary Dessler, 2020
Machine Learning for Asset Management: New Developments and Financial Applications
Emmanuel Jurczenko (editor), 2020
Automotive System Safety: Critical Considerations for Engineering and Effective Management
Joseph D. Miller, 2020
Multi-objective Management in Freight Logistics: Increasing Capacity, Service Level and Safety with Optimization Algorithms
Massimiliano Caramia, Paolo Dell'Olmo, 2020
Bank Management and Financial Services
Peter S.Rose,Sylvia C. Hudgins