نتایج جستجو

Paul Guyer, Γιώργος Μαραγκός (πρόλογος-απόδοση), 2013
From Memex To Hypertext: Vannevar Bush and the Mind's Machine
James M. Nyce; Paul Kahn, 1991
Adler's Physiology of the Eye
Leonard A. Levin (editor), Paul L. Kaufman (editor), Mary Elizabeth Hartnett (editor), 2024
Doing Research/Reading Research: Re-Interrogating Education
Paul Dowling, Andrew Brown, 2012
Doing Research/Reading Research
Paul Dowling; Andrew Brown, 2022
Beyond the Screen: Institutions, Networks, and Publics of Early Cinema
Marta Braun (editor), Charlie Keil (editor), Rob King (editor), Paul Moore (editor), 2012
Hayes and Eburn Criminal Law and Procedure in New South Wales
Roderick Howie , Paul Sattler , Marissa Hood, 2022
The Montreal Convention: A Commentary
George Leloudas, Paul S. Dempsey, Laurent Chassot, 2023
Multinational Financial Management, Australia and New Zealand Edition
Alan C. Shapiro, Paul Hanouna, 2020
Principios y aplicaciones de física radiológica
Donald Graham; Martin Vosper; Paul Cloke, 2012
When They Severed Earth from Sky: How the Human Mind Shapes Myth
Barber, Elizabeth Wayland; Barber, Paul T., 2012
Pharmacie galénique - Pharmacocinétique: Tout le programme en fiches
Odile Chambin; Etienne Chatelut; Jean-Paul Belon; Sébastien Faure, 2022
O que é a vida?: Compreendendo a biologia em cinco passos
Paul Nurse, 2020